"More Acid Attacks In London
On Wednesday, a "London" woman, Resham Khan, and her cousin, Jameel, became victims of an acid attack while they were out celebrating Khan's 21st birthday.
Both victims were left with life-changing injuries: Khan is suffering from damage to one of her eyes and severe burns to her face and body. Jameel, who also suffered severe burns, had to be induced into a coma.
"A man ran up and threw acid at both Ms Khan and her cousin through the open car window as they stopped at traffic lights" in Beckton, east London, reports ITV News. "He then chased the pair as they tried to drive off but lost control of the car and crashed into a fence."
"Me and my cousin just hours before the attack. (Cropped the rest of my family out)" pic.twitter.com/dWGTuwTc4t
The pain was excruciating," Khan told ITV News. "I was struggling to close the window. My cousin struggled to get us away."
"I saw my clothes burn away in front of me. He put his foot down as we were coming onto a dual carriage way but the pain took over and we crashed," she continued.
"We stripped off in the middle of the road, running around screaming and begging for water. We did this for 45 minutes. No ambulance came," added the 21-year-old.
"I keep wondering if my life will ever be the same. I feel as though I'm blessed to have my limbs and senses. But I loved my face and body," said Khan.
"I miss my face..." said Khan"
"We stripped off in the middle of the road, running around screaming and begging for water. We did this for 45 minutes. No ambulance came," added the 21-year-old.
"I keep wondering if my life will ever be the same. I feel as though I'm blessed to have my limbs and senses. But I loved my face and body," said Khan.
"I miss my face..." said Khan"
Notas pessoais:
Como podem ver, não são nem serão só as mulheres nativas vítimas destes actos terroristas da religião semita forasteira.
Muitos ingénuos e ingénuas não-nativas por Jus Sanguinis, muitas vezes aderem a "plataformas políticas"(eufemismo para organizações subversivas/terroristas) onde prolifera o racismo anti-nativo e onde fazem de idiotas úteis numa coligação de pseudo-interesses comuns onde os alvos são os nativos Europeus(Arianos). Acontece é que a realidade é mais forte que qualquer propaganda judaica: quando se cospe no prato onde se come, e se tenta subverter uma nação do dito "Primeiro Mundo" para se assemelhar cada vez mais a uma nação do dito "Terceiro Mundo", sobra para todos; nativos de gema, "nativos" por Jus Solis apenas, e restantes não-nativos.
O plano kalergi só é bom para os judeus, e para mais ninguém.
Os Arianos conscientes(NS e Fascistas portanto) são os únicos com capacidade para derrotar a "jewtrix" na Europa; se estes forem derrotados, é de uma ingenuidade tremenda todas as outras raças e etnias acharem mesmo que os judeus os irão poupar.
Quem quiser perceber o "humanismo" judaico que estude o talmud; ou então leiam o que os rabinos mais considerados entre eles dizem acerca de TODAS as outras raças e etnias.
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