"We are fighting two wars - the lesser war here corresponds to the exoteric war, the bloody battle that is fought with material arms against the enemy, against the “foreigner” or the “invader”. No matter how terrible and tragic the events, no matter how huge the destruction, this war, metaphysically, still remains a “lesser war”.
The “greater” or “holy war” is, contrarily, of the interior and intangible order – it is the war, which is fought against the enemy whom everyone bears in himself. Appearing in the forms of craving, partiality, easy passion, weakness and inward cowardice, the enemy within the natural man must be vanquished, its resistance broken, chained and subjected to the spiritual man, this being the condition of reaching inner liberation, the “triumphant peace” which allows one to participate in what is beyond both life and death."
-Julius Evola
The “greater” or “holy war” is, contrarily, of the interior and intangible order – it is the war, which is fought against the enemy whom everyone bears in himself. Appearing in the forms of craving, partiality, easy passion, weakness and inward cowardice, the enemy within the natural man must be vanquished, its resistance broken, chained and subjected to the spiritual man, this being the condition of reaching inner liberation, the “triumphant peace” which allows one to participate in what is beyond both life and death."
-Julius Evola
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