"The place of myth is at the very root of thought and being. Myth builds the spiritual pre-history of a society that speaks to us from a very ancient past. Mythology is one of the key elements of folk consciousness. Like the sun’s light or the air we breathe, myth reveals itself only indirectly, and each individual must make a personal effort to discover its presence at the basis of his own thinking. It suffuses our consciousness and, what is more, our subconsciousness; in short, it is a timeless truth, a truth which is sacrilegious, sometimes fatal, to question. And this applies to every sphere of personal life, for there is none exempt from the folk mythos, particularly at moments of decisive choice. The heroes one most admires give forth myths spontaneously. For we know that without Achilles and without the Iliad, Alexander would not have undertaken the conquest of the East. And without the example of Alexander, many other great men of history would have fallen short of their untapped higher potential."
-Ron McVan
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