"Aryans today in the western world have grown awesomely distant from nature. In the earliest times the deep affiliation with the natural world created an ecology of metaphor; all things were seen to be related. The natural world and its shifting patterns of change were no more than an extension of the processes that created humans themselves. It was a time when our pagan forebears walked, ran, grew, loved and died as part of the whole symphony of life. All things were alive.
Our indigenous mythologies with their archetypical gods united man with nature and the universal laws to which we are eternally subject. Nature mirrored the people and the people mirrored nature, and the two participated in an existence where there was no sharp separation between them. Natural, untrained intelligence spontaneously moves towards the truth in all men who use their reason. Nature, wise in all her ways, bestows upon her creations the knowledge necessary for their survival. Aryan man, in his long process of becoming, is largely aborting the self preserving instincts and impulses, and thus has diminished his psychic bond with universal life and his racial and ethnic roots. As he drifts further from this foundation, he will continue to blunder along, moving from one conceit to another, gravitating toward alien religions, miscegenation and materialistic pursuits which hasten his extinction. If gone unchecked, nature will ultimately correct this deviation from genetic instinct in its own way. In this eleventh hour, which is already upon us, Aryan man must face the stark realization that only by adhering to nature’s “might is right” principles will his race and ethnicity survive."
-Ron McVan
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