"Europe today is ruled by a sick, degenerate system of
rat-race materialism, self-fixation, hard-drugs, pollution, miscegenation, filth, jewish-chaos, corruption and insanity. It has alienated us. We are forced to share the ideals of the majority; pushed onto us by corrupt politicians. New laws are being passed which go against the laws of nature. As a European, all the blame for any hardship throughout history and even today, is placed on your shoulders. Interest in your heritage is viewed as blatant racism.
rat-race materialism, self-fixation, hard-drugs, pollution, miscegenation, filth, jewish-chaos, corruption and insanity. It has alienated us. We are forced to share the ideals of the majority; pushed onto us by corrupt politicians. New laws are being passed which go against the laws of nature. As a European, all the blame for any hardship throughout history and even today, is placed on your shoulders. Interest in your heritage is viewed as blatant racism.
There is a better way of life: That way calls for a rebirth of racial idealism and reverence for the eternal laws of Nature. It involves a new awareness, a new faith, a new way of life—a New Order.
Europe is the home of many different indigenous peoples. Unique peoples with their own culture and way of life which have been practically forgotten today. Shameful when you realise that these men and women toiled and fought for their very right to exist. Never forget that you are a product of their pride, power and resilience.
We believe in the eternal European soul, the guidance of the Gods and the will of those who fight for our heritage."
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