"Syrian(?) rapefugee, 22, who ‘launched sex attacks on six women just one month after being granted asylum claims he was suffering PTSD from the conflict in his homeland’
Hasan Alkhabbaz, 22, targeted six victims in a subway in Paddington, London.
He was arrested at Heathrow Airport trying to board flight to Egypt then Sudan.
Admitted six counts of sexual assault but claims he is suffering from PTSD.
Hasan Alkhabbaz, 22, targeted six victims as they made their way through the Joe Strummer Subway in Paddington, central London, between November 14 last year and March 3.
He lurked in the underpass and two others close by, and grabbed lone women by the bottom and slipped his hand up their skirts.
Alkhabbaz was handed a suspended sentence in May for a similar offence committed on March 5, while investigations into the earlier spree were ongoing.
He was arrested at Heathrow Airport on September 8 trying to board a flight to Egypt and on to Sudan.
In his possession was a Syrian passport issued just six days after his travel ban.
Alkhabbaz admitted six counts of sexual assault at Southwark Crown Court last month but psychiatric reports have been ordered following claims he is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder."
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