terça-feira, 28 de novembro de 2017

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

Interview with the Leader of the Now 20 Years Old Nordic Resistance Movement

– This year’s end marks the 20th anniversary of the Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM). Under constant pressure from the Establishment to drown, silence or potentially destroy the movement, let me start with congratulating you and everybody involved for this very respectable achievement! I have introduced the main points of your party platform already, but please introduce yourself and your movement to the readers in your own words!

– I am a 34 year old man, born, raised and still living in the south of Sweden. I have a wife and three kids. I had my national awakening when I was 14 years old and have been organized in the national socialist movement since I was 16 years old. Since 2015 I have been the leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement.

– Tell us a bit about the first years of the movement! What do you think were the main difficulties of building up a movement from nothing to an internationally recognized and respected name, still going strong, probably stronger than ever, 20 years later? I assume the prevalence of the internet must have opened new ways to successful strategies, but what do you think has changed since the 1990s and earlier 2000s in terms of organizing and activism?

– To create an oppositional group that survives is a a really hard thing – which we can see evidence of with the numerous organizations and parties that has come and gone during our active years. I believe the hardest and most important things are those that you as an outsider cannot see – to create the right fanatic and self-sacrificing culture within the organization and to have a strong leadership that proves themselves and get the respect needed during hard times. A really important aspect that differs us from others and that has been crucial for our success is the fact that we have always been going the radical and revolutionary path – never been taking 'shortcuts' with a more populist or reactionary message to the people. Our view has always been, and still is, that it is the people that needs to adapt to our views – we shall not change our points of view for the masses. This simply because we are right.

A big difference from now and then is that the struggle is more serious and less subcultural. We already from the start distanced ourself from the subcultural behaviors within the movement – but still also people applying for membership in our organization were more or less affected by the culture surrounding the national scene. Back then we mostly recruited young men. Now we recruit 'ordinary' people in their middle ages with careers and families and also elders and women.

Lastly I would say that there is a much wider acceptance for us now among the masses. 20 years ago they spat at us for being National-Socialists – today they sympathize with us. A majority, at least among Aryan working class men, support our views and our cause even though they are not active themselves.

Sadly enough many of them still hope for the conservative fake-nationalists in Sverigedemokraterna even though their personal views are much more radical than this kosher-party.

– Since the reason for this interview is to celebrate 20 years of activism, why don't you talk a little about what you consider to be the best and the worst memory/experience from your years of activism within NRM and the pro-Aryan circles of Sweden generally?

– There are so many memories to pick from. I would probably say that my best memory was from our demonstration "Struggle against race-traitors and the global finance" on 1st of May in Borlänge - last year. This demonstration was the first of many where we actually managed to gather impressive numbers under a really sincere and radical parole. We owned Borlänge this day and the sympathizers among the bystanders where way more than the protesters. My worst memory must have been when I was in the the party National Socialist Front (NSF) and they decided to put the organization down. I and many others had sacrificed a lot for this party and put our trust in the leadership. Now they decided to betray us by instead start a new less radical party. However in the end this was for the best since this was the start of unifying the movement and drove me to the Nordic Resistance Movement where I have been since then. Even though I put almost ten years of my life in to NSF – I felt already after six months within the Resistance Movement that this was my home and where I should have been in the first place.

– We all know that the Lügenpresse is constantly on the look-out for things to lie about and present falsely. What would you say were the biggest, most ridiculous and maybe most damaging media lies about your movement (or maybe about your person)?

– Also here we have so many to pick from. The Lügenpresse writes lies about us everyday. It has not always been like this because in the past they tried to ignore us – but now for the last couple of years they write about us constantly. They write that we are criminals and terrorists. Every time we defend ourself in the streets they write that we attacked random by-passers.
However, I do not believe that these lies harm us – at least not anymore. Ten years ago many people in Sweden and the other Nordic countries believed what the papers wrote but nowadays only the most naive and weak-minded people do so. The majority have started to read between the lines and see through the lies...

– How much autonomy do other Nordic countries’ NRM branches have? Can we see the Swedish one as the core others must follow, or you consider them all rather independent? I understand that you might not be the spokesperson for them, but can you tell us about the experiences of other NRM movements in their own respective countries?

– We are one organization – active within the whole North – not three different ones. This means that we work the same way and with the same goals. However every country can affect these ways in the previously mentioned Nordic council and also there is plenty of room for going their own paths as long as it is done with our general way of work and striving towards our common goals.

– Tell us please about the current Swedish political situation! Many Nationalists internationally seem to have hope and trust in Sweden Democrats (SD), considering them "Nationalists", but to me they seem to be (especially lately) a rather average "conservative" party that is too subservient to the politically correct mainstream to an alarming degree (see for example: their firing of Anna Hagwall who raised her voice against the Jewish and foreign dominance of Swedish media etc.). NRM also has a political branch, what do you think are the main problems with SD and in what way does NRM try to get involved with parliamentary politics? What are your experiences with this current "democtratic establishment"?

– To give you an honest and straight answer: Sweden Democrats are as good for the Swedish country and people as long gone Cancer is for the human body. Sure there are worse diseases but still it is a really heavy diagnose that you probably will die from. SD doesn't at all recognize race – they only talk about culture and "open Swedishness" meaning that everyone that adopts(?) the Swedish culture will become Swedes no matter their origins. SD do not want to send home anyone – they are more than happy with the current situation in Sweden were around 20% of the people are racial foreigners. They do not even want to stop immigration – only lower it. All of this means that even if so SD gets 100% of the seats in the parliament – Sweden will still cease to exist and our people will be extinguished. At best this wold have given us some more years before hell breaks loose. They are also 100% allied with Israel and the Jews. For example their spokesperson in questions about immigration is a Jew who right now as we speak try to do her best to liberalize SD even more.

– Speaking of the Jewish control of the media: it is respectable that NRM is not shying away from addressing some of the biggest taboo topics, such as race-mixing or the Jewish leadership in subversive influences and movements such as feminism, massive non-Aryan immigration, Cultural Marxism and the demolishing of traditional culture and native identity as a means to weaken and conquer our peoples. Since Sweden Democrats seem to be unwilling to address these topics effectively, tell us how would you take back control over your own affairs and get rid of these subversive movements? Are there other movements, or political groups within the country you are working together with maybe?

– We will continue our work with spreading the truth to our people in all possible ways. Also we will expand our work with creating a society within the society. The organization works a bit like this today – with our own media, our own social gatherings and that we help each other out in all ways possible. We also already now tries to be there for our people where the current system have failed them like patrolling the streets and defend our people against crimes committed by foreigners, handing out food and clothes to homeless, cleaning up in nature and such. All of this work and our vision will be even more visible as we grow. There are no other organizations which we cooperate with directly but of course we support people who do good things for our people and are supportive toward us as well.

– Sweden is clearly the best representation of multiculturalism and liberalism/feminism gone over the top. Why do you think did the Swedes, by a large margin, turn into suicidal and self-hating from the once-glorious Vikings? What do you think about the theory of prof. Kevin MacDonald about pathological altruism that is rather prevalent among Northern-Northwestern Europeans? How much are Swedes responsible for their own decay for being weak to defend themselves, and how much is it the fault of those who brew this poison that turned Swedes into blind ethnomasochists?

– I definitely agree with that altruism is a big part of the problem. The Nordic people are probably the most altruistic people in the world – always looking out for each-other and taken care of the weak (and also animals). Also related to this the Nordic people are very easy to organize since we believe in common-ship. We trust authorities (and media). All of this is of course really admirable treats in a good and light world – but in a world controlled by evil and greed – it gets you run over. Another important part I do believe that Christianity is responsible for. The Nordic countries are among the most atheist in the world. Why? Because the Pagan religion was the Nordic religion developed by and for our own kind. If not Christianity have came to the North I believe that many of the Nordic people would still be religious. But Christianity never was ours and therefore it led to atheism. Atheism led people to commercialism and geocentricism which are the opposites to the idealism needed to actually care and make a difference when evil forces rape your nation. If we were still Pagans in the North I do not believe we would have been in this kind of situation as we are.

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