Antifa rhetoric:
"We have the moral(?) obligation to protect the
(so-called)'minorities" with our tax-money, our resources, inside our borders and nations."(Even at the cost of our own lives and our childrens' lives - they don't say that, obviously; but that's the reality)
"We have the moral(?) obligation to protect the
(so-called)'minorities" with our tax-money, our resources, inside our borders and nations."(Even at the cost of our own lives and our childrens' lives - they don't say that, obviously; but that's the reality)
But why? And who defines the so-called 'morality' of that action? And what is a so-called 'minority'? Aryans are less than 8% of the planet; and that FACT makes Aryans precisily a(or THE) racial minority in global terms. So why nobody talk and act in order to save the Aryan race? And what about red-haired women; which are the rarest? And green eyes' men? Why nobody talk and act in order to save these minorities inside a minority(the Aryan race)?
"Protect the (so-called)minorities" is just a codeword for "racial and ethnic replacement".
We have the obligation to save and improve ourselves. Nothing more. We only have the 'obligation' by honor to respect other races and other ethnicities, so long they respect us."
-Radical Nationalism
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