sexta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Gangs using TASERS on schoolgirl rape victims as Birmingham faces tsunami of child sexual exploitation.
The native rape-victims of the kalergi's plan don't stop.

BIRMINGHAM is facing a ‘tsunami of child sexual exploitation’ with reports that gang members are using TASERS on schoolgirl rape victims, a councillor claims.

Des Flood backed fears that schools and parents are being kept in the dark about the full dangers their children face from predatory paedophiles in the south of the city.

The Birmingham Mail revealed earlier this week how one suspected gang member was arrested for three schoolgirl rapes, but bailed each time.

Councillor Flood criticised Birmingham City Council’s handling of child sexual exploitation during a full council meeting last week

He had directed his statement to former Lord Mayor Carl Rice, who has just been handed Cabinet responsibility for children, schools and families.

“I am worried there is a tsunami of child sexual exploitation waiting to explode across this city,” said the Conservative councillor, who represents the Bartley Green ward.

“Young people, especially girls, are being sexually exploited on a daily basis. Some of this sexual exploitation is clearly linked to gangs.

“Schools are a vital part of our eyes and ears in the local community, on the ground, to identify vulnerable young people, especially in terms of concerns about child sexual exploitation.

“I know of cases whereby local schools in our community have done their duty and referred serious cases of child sexual exploitation about pupils to children’s services.

"But these schools nor their parents and carers have been invited to multi-agency child sexual exploitation meetings.”

Previous Birmingham Mail investigations have revealed how suspected gang members had allegedly filmed child sex attacks on their phones."

Notas pessoais:

E agora vêm os cabrões e TRAIDORES dos ditos "conservadores"(De quê? Só se for de injustiças, que é a única coisa que eles conservam) chorarem lágrimas de crocodilo quando são eles que mais fazem a cama aos GENUÍNOS Nacionalistas por detrás dos bastidores com as polícias sionistas como seus lacaios.

Na Alemanha Nazi, as SS tinham esquadrões de morte que tinham 'carta branca' para torturar/executar pedófilos e violadores(Os pouquíssimos que havia; já que a sociedade era saudável - anti-democrática portanto). Mas numa democracia as coisas funcionam melhor; os pedófilos e violadores recebem subsídios à custa dos impostos dos nativos e tendo como hobby violar as mulheres - adultas e menores - dos nativos - civis e militares - ainda podem votar e cada um deles valer um voto nas urnas porque "nós somos todos iguais", amém democracia!

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