segunda-feira, 27 de novembro de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Greek football NS Hooligans attack Pakistanis celebrating Prophet Mohammed’s birthday in Athens.
200 Nationalists beat the crap off 800 non-natives parasites, rapists and terrorists.

While modern ultra$ are too busy selling their souls to zog, to kalergi plan, selling cocaine and heroin, and making money from human trafic; PAOK Old School Ultras made a 'lightning' attack over the enemies of the Greek Nation who are terrorizing the native citizens - mostly raping native women.

Riot police in Athens had to intervene in clashes between the NS Hooligans club fans heading for a game and the non-native Pakistani community celebrating the ocupation of Greece thanks to the zog regime. Tear gas and stun grenades have been deployed.
A video from the scene shows utter mayhem in the street as NS Hooligans trampled on islamic flags - and even using them after stealing them to beat the non-natives parasites, rapists and terrorists - while the 800 Pakistanis mostly run like rabbits.

Attacking like a Wolf Pack, PAOK NS Hooligans had made an excellent Patriotic public service protecting their Nation of external and internal enemies; wich is a MORAL and even LEGAL obligation of native citizens.

Portrayed like the villains by the dirty and corrupted fake-media; the reality of Life - and that is ALL THAT MATTERS - show once again that NS European Hooligans are the last defence of Europe against the Kalergi's hordes.

Chanting "Greece for the Greeks", "Muslims and jews go home", "This is not your land" and "Blood, soil and honor"; PAOK NS Hooligans made themselves worthy of respect by European Nationalists."

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