"The World Controllers, The Power Elite will always push the sham of ‘democracy’ upon the people for the simple fact that it destroys the Will To Power of the nations and the nationalistic pride of the people of an indigenous race. Democracy is for the genocide of the races, the melting pot, the self seekers, mob rule, equality among the unequal, the dumbing down of humankind, Universalism! All the ingredients for the Controllers to remain in power and free to exploit the world as they will. The greatest threat to the World Manipulators is the rising of a great leader that they cannot themselves control. The men who hold the reigns of power in today’s world are not ‘real men’ by any stretch of the imagination; their power is built upon money, greed, manipulation, dirty politics and secrecy. Clever? Yes! Powerful and Ruthless? Yes! Valiant? Noble? Heroic? Righteous? Not a chance in Hell! Such men are made only for the counting houses, boardrooms and decadent lifestyles and would never make it on the frontline of a battlefield or lay their life down for any cause other than making money. They will always find dupes and use the malignity of their iniquitous spirit, at whatever time they have free occasion for it."
-Ron McVan
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