sexta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"98 per cent of rapefugees in Germany’s second largest city are unemployed
(Robberies, rapes, murders, and welfare-parasitism ; hail the bastards of kalergi!)

According to new statistics, integrating refugees into the German labour market is still a very hard task.
The German liberal party FDP acquired numbers of the country’s second largest city Hamburg and they are devastating: of the 1,067 sampled refugees, only 20 of them had a job.

In the meantime, the refugee work project still costs the Hamburg taxpayer millions of euros. The large German city and the country itself have a shortage of skilled workers as well and need a lot of skilled workers.
For example one in three companies in Hamburg complained about having trouble finding skilled workers for their vacancies. The German economy could have a shortage of three million suitable workers by 2030, according to a study by the institute Prognos.
Earlier it became clear that there is a large majority of migrants fit only for menial jobs and that in one region 96 per cent of them are unemployed."

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