"Afghan teen in custody over fatal stabbing of German girl.
The native victims of the kalergi's plan don't stop.
Authorities said the teenage girl died of her injuries after the 15-year-old boy stabbed her with a kitchen knife in Kandel, in southwestern Germany. The alleged perpetrator is an unaccompanied rapefugee from Afghanistan.
Authorities said the girl, also 15 years old, was stabbed following an apparently chance meeting with the boy at a drugstore on Wednesday. She died of her injuries after being attacked with a kitchen knife with a 20-centimeter blade.
The girl was taken to hospital following the attack, where she died shortly afterward. About 15-20 people were present in the drugstore at the time of the stabbing.
The girl was taken to hospital following the attack, where she died shortly afterward. About 15-20 people were present in the drugstore at the time of the stabbing.
According to the police, the alleged perpetrator is a rapefugee who came to Germany unaccompanied in the spring of 2016."
Notas pessoais:
De quem é a culpa?
A) Das hordas kalergianas.
B) Das hordas kalergianas, mas sobretudo dos responsáveis pela sua vinda - os políticos democratas.
C) Dos Nazis.
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