segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2018

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.


There won’t be great awakening of the masses. Masses don’t care. They are degenerate and useless. Completely immersed in consumerism and brainwashed. 
Why should superior look to inferior for help anyway? 

But are we superior? Just because we are aware of what is happening around us?
Our job is to create of ourselves the new elite, first of all a spiritual one. The elite guided by the higher aristocratic ideals.
We must attach ourselves to the Heavens, to be a bridge between God(s) and Earth, like a fixed pole around which people will gather, attracted to us like certain metals to magnet.
Leaders must embody what they preach, they must be living examples of the Idea they represent. And our Idea is the highest and the most noble one.
They must embody the “Olympian” superiority.

Urgency has become one of the general characteristics of recent times—the thrust and the action of a rupture starting from below, and in function of the low, exercised upon existing structures. And this corresponds to the only proper and legitimate meaning of the term “subversion.”
This situation takes as its evident presupposition the crisis of the whole of the structures involved, be these politico-social or cultural and intellectual structures. Thus it accompanies a process against the modern world, against bourgeois society and capitalism, against an order which has been reduced to an externally checked disorder, against forms of existence which have become devoid of every higher, dehumanizing, creative meaning—or, to use a term which today is commonly abused, of “alienation.”

In the politico-social field the phenomenon presents such definite forms that it is almost superfluous to linger on them. No one is so myopic as to fail to understand, by now, what the famous “social justice,” for example, really means. It is in no way true justice, the distributive justice of the suum cuique, based on a principle of inequality, and already defended by the classics beginning with Aristotle and Cicero. It is rather a partisan pseudo-justice, said to be at the exclusive service of the interests of the lowest classes, the so-called “workers,”... It exists under the sign of myths that serve only to pave the way little by little for the ascent of the leftist forces in the State.

One should react, in the name of aristocratic, qualitative and spiritual ones: that which could bring about a yet more radical rectifying action, if only men could be found who are truly up to the heights, and who are armed with sufficient authority and power, so as to prevent or to smash, by a revolution from the heights, any such velleity or principle of revolution from below.

Unfortunately, however, one sees ever more clearly how far such perspectives lie beyond the intellectual horizons of our contemporaries. One can ascertain rather how even those who presume to battle against the “established disorder” of the modern world by raising indictments (which are by now obvious and almost taken for granted) against the current society, and putting forth even the values of personality and of Christianity, do not hide their elective affinities for the lower, for the “demands” of the low, and for the pseudo-humanism of the left, and demonstrating precisely as much intolerance and incomprehension for every possible solution which takes the form of a system resting on a principle of authority and sovereignty, of true order and true justice."
-Julius Evola

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