sábado, 9 de junho de 2018

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Progressivism is a liberal thought process implemented into society via media, academia, politics and entertainment. It desires a world with no traditional families, no native religion, no native pride, and no native identity(except Israel, which is a nation-state. Note the hypocrisy...). It promotes degeneracy, immorality, ugliness, miscegenation, false history and self loathing. Progressivism is societal rot, it eats away at the foundations of a civilisation until it falls in on itself. What is left is the decayed remnants of a once great civilisation, the one time envy of the world and eternal enemy of the progressives.

‘Progress’ basically means moving forward, advancing, onward. In relation to society, ‘progress’ supposedly means moving society forward, advancing society, or moving society onward. The question has to be therefore, progress to what exactly?

The answer to this question is all around you, the ‘progress’ they seek is not to advance society or Western civilisation as a whole, it is to deconstruct it. To the progessives, Western civilisation is the enemy, they don’t want to advance us, they want to destroy us. Can anybody who is not a brainwashed drone say hand on heart that society is better today?

Progressivism is a false term when applied to what progressives say advances society, this is intentional. For them to deconstruct and destroy Western Civilisation they needed to give it a positive term, and ‘progress’ is that term. When somebody thinks of the word progress, they think of a positive rather than a negative and this is capitalised on by the progressives."

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