quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Sexually transmitted infections triple in just four years in France
19 July 2018
Young people aged 15 to 24 are the most affected by STIs.

French health authorities are warning the general public to use protection and get tested after their latest findings suggest chlamydia and gonorrhoea cases in the country tripled between 2012 and 2016. 

In 2016, the number of people diagnosed with a chlamydia infection was estimated at 267,097.
That means 491 per 100,000 people aged 15 and over had the STI last year, Public Health France warned.
In 2012, the figure stood at 76,918, less than a third of the 2016 figure.
As for gonorrhoea infections, the number of diagnoses was 15,067 in 2012 and 49,628 in 2016, meaning 91 per 100,000 inhabitants aged 15 and over had the infection.
"The very high number of chlamydia and gonococcal infections highlighted by this survey underlines the importance of using a condom and getting regular screening after unprotected sex," the health agency explained."

Notas pessoais:

Isto são as consequências do relativismo moral+lgbt+miscigenação+importação de imigrantes terceiro-mundistas infectados.

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