Democracy is called the 'state of the rule of law', but for decades the impunity of traitor-politicians, banksters and pedophiles we factually see and saw. Therefore democracy is nothing more than a dictatorship of lies, without moral legitimacy whatsoever in the eyes of the humans who are wise and clever.
Are you a fucking zombie?
Are you a fucking zombie?
Are you just one more souless minion of democracy? Or are you a noble Aryan warrior with national-responsability?
Awake my friend...This is beyond just you and me...
This is our collective pride and honor that are at stake!
They are a bunch of rats, and you must be the snake…
Awake my friend...This is beyond just you and me...
This is our collective pride and honor that are at stake!
They are a bunch of rats, and you must be the snake…
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Não são aceites comentários que usem a mentira como contra-argumentação.
Aceito qualquer debate, desde que se fale verdade.
Isto não é um blog democrata, nem nenhuma juventude partidária democrata onde se treina desde cedo o uso da mentira como retórica política para enganar os Portugueses.
Aqui reina a verdade, não a mentira.