quinta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Priest Feeds Congregation Rat Poison To Prove ‘They’re Above Death’

A priest tried to prove his congregation were ‘immortal’ by feeding them rat poison and – as you can imagine – it went as badly as you’d expect.

Priest Light Monyeki from Soshanguve, South Africa, took it upon himself to prove his followers were both ‘superhuman’ and ‘immortal’, with a seriously dangerous stunt.

The priest declared to his congregation they should not fear death, as they will not die, before proceeding to pour bottles of water contaminated with rat poison into their mouths. Unfortunately for them they were more than happy to oblige.

Horrifyingly, many of his followers ran forward to take a fatal swig of the lethal stuff in a desperate bid to get closer to 'God'.
The priest first drank the poison fluid before pouring it down the throats of his loyal congregation.

Predictably, members of his church started to complain of stomach pains and by the evening, five of them had died.

A further 13 were taken to hospital for the ingestion of the lethal drink, but despite all of this Monyeki allegedly denied responsibility."

Notas pessoais:

Religiões universalistas=Estupidez universal.
E lembrem-se que numa democracia - seja ela onde for -, este tipo de dementes valem tanto nas urnas como os cidadãos mais sábios e mentalmente sãos, porque "nós somos todos iguais"...

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