segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Bloody streets bloody streets, full of subhuman filth, 
non-natives raping your wives and daughters while demanding "equality". Turn off the fake-media once and for all, and look what zog has done to your beloved Germany... Reject the blue pill of jewtrix and embrace the spirit of Odin/Wotan, and he will show your Aryan heart the true reality.
Embrance the spirit of Aryan revenge, because those who preach "tolerance", only serves the internal enemy. 

Reject also the junk-music called "pop"... and embrance militancy Pagan Black Metal OP.
Join the Werwolfpack, and together, we will make the 
non-native zog-prison begin to crack.

This is not only a fight of you - Nordic/Germanic -; it is the same fight of Slavs, Hellenics, Celts and Romans too.
Only through radical Aryan unity, will we achieve in our sacred nations, the extremely necessary total victory.

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