quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Democracy means mass-insanity worldwide, like lgbt and islam together against Europe in the same antifa platform, while muslims in Africa and Asia are burning the fucking faggots alive…

Feminists yelling against so-called "patriarchy", while being slave-whores of jehovah and allah; stupid cows without logic of thought and action, stupid ignorants who never readed anything in the talmud or the koran…

Marxists workers pushing for more third-world immigrants in the same antifa platform, stupid fools who don't realize kalergi's hordes are also a weapon of the big internacional capital to make lower wages, less labour-rights, and higher taxes the new norm…

Christian priests preaching lectures about human "morality"; speaking bad about NS and Fascists, while raping kids for decades secretly and repeatedly...

Only a fucking retard do not see we are right, and all of them are wrong. And that's why we are the Aryan pagan storm!

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