sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

It was the Jew who corrupted your wife's soul in order for her to cheat you… It was the Jew with the biological terrorist kalergi-plan version USA who made some of your streets and towns look like third-world Congo… It was the Jew who funded the antifa scum who smashed your store… It was the Jew who brainwashed your daughter to become a whore… It was the Jew who brainwashed your son to become a fag… It was the Jew who blow up the World Trade Center with a false-flag…

Degeneracy, daily-lies, anti-Aryan racism, hiv, 
national-debt... All this with the Jew in your country became spread… It will be guns, hardcore patriotism, and radical Aryanism which will save your country... Not nike shoes, mcdonald's burgers and bread…

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