quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

You sacrificed your youth for what? Foolish believing in democracy with their thousands false prophets, you never lived real love; because of the mouth of a democratic man only leave lies, and his hand's touch is so corrupt and dirt, that you can feel his filth even if he wears a glove…

Now in the middle-age you face unemployment; even if you are native and qualified. "You are too old", they say! Meanwhile, non-native women are getting paychecks from the zog-state, in an anti-native racism aplied, the worst kind of racism a government can do, and nevertheless they are factually doing, as liars they always denied…

Now you are old, and your pension is a fucking misery, just as much of your life was, and nevertheless, the democrat goes even deeper in his tyranny and cut even more your pension, make you dying slowly and painfully, making you his target while acting like a human cancer... And what's his excuse? "Sorry old fool, but I do not work for the good of the Nation and it's people, I sold my soul since the beginning to the banker😆"

In terms of loyalty, the democrat is much lower than any kind of dog… And the life-lesson you just learned, is that democracy is a false god… So what do you wish to the future native generations? An equal, or even worst life as yours? Or something noble, honoured, and much better? 
If it is the secound, warn them of your mistakes so they do not be cheated… Because for a democrat, the native youth does not matter...

They - the democrats - will deceive the new native generations and saying lies like: "Some of us really care about the Nation, because we democrats are not all the same😀"
They may preach differently, dressing differently, but in the end, they all are actors and players of a rigged game. And their life-goals were, are, and will always be; cheating, lying, getting rich, and getting fame...

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