sábado, 20 de outubro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"When they say the Portuguese Commandos are "rough fascists" and "sadistic violent people", but at the same time democracy and its' universal and equal suffrage is legit because "we are all the same"...

And then they comment sports, and they say Real Madrid is suffering because sold a World Class Player like Cristiano Ronaldo and did not bought any player of similar level. But at the same time, they preach "human equality"...

And then each time the Benfica supporters light a torch they called a "very-light". But in the hand of The Statue of Liberty in USA, they never called a very-light but a "torch"...

And then they start a mediatic campaign of 
massive-difamation about other people, with hours and hours and hours, and days and days and days of 
garbage-hysterical fake-news... But they didn't have 1 minute to investigate/ask/explain the watchers of how could it be possible 6 millions of jews be gassed in gas-chambers with non-protected wooden doors…

And at the end, they call themselves "reliable and 
-Radical Nationalism

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