"German Nationalists Hooligans are standing up for their country’s women by beating the hell out of the muslim ‘refugees’ in the midst who keep assaulting them.
Local Nationalists are uniting in a “manhunt” of rapists. And just this weekend, two Pakistanis and a Syrian man were injured in attacks by Nationalists in Cologne, German police said.
On New Year’s Eve, Cologne was the scene of dozens of assaults on women, a number that has grown into hundreds as more and women have come forward to register complaints.
Local newspaper Express reported that the attackers were members of rocker and hooligan 'gangs'
Local newspaper Express reported that the attackers were members of rocker and hooligan 'gangs'
Notas pessoais:
Reparem como os fake-media e fake-press usam o termo "gangue" para difamar constantemente quem presta serviço público arriscando a sua vida e SEM SER PAGO…enquanto prezam constantemente violadores, parasitas, terroristas, e políticos traidores - todos eles pagos com dinheiro dos contribuintes…. - mas nunca os tratando com estes adjectivos…
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