quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2019

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Cultural-marxism is being pumped down in the native youth's mind...
Their eyes maybe be open...but their consciousnesses are now blind…
This cultural garbage is not of our land...
This cultural garbage comes from those whose origins are places surrounded by sand…

Eternal international parasites and deceivers; they corrupt all that is healthy, noble and beautiful…
So the host Nation loss the organic and natural instinct and will to defend herself, and each of her citizen, becomes a useful idiot - the perfect goyim fool…

But inside your native blood, resides the Celtic legacy of your kin... And under the motto "Blood, Soil and Honor", you will become a Noble predator, and no more a foolish prey...
Cernunnos will rise again...and the scum will say "Oy vey"....

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