They put you in a mental trap of "Aryan male guilt"...
You become a cuck, and now your society is full of faggots, beta-males, self-racists and a lot of filth…
You become a cuck, and now your society is full of faggots, beta-males, self-racists and a lot of filth…
And this happened while you still are in your once nation a majority… Imagine what they will not do, when you will become in your once nation the minority...
It is not need advanced mathematics to perceive the inglorious future of your Aryan race… If one person=1 vote no matter what, and you have lower birth-rates; it should be already clear to you, the trap it is, was, and always will be the system of democracy…
You follow the priests of democracy and your collective destiny will be a major cataclism… But there is an option; you can follow the Aryan religion of NS-Celticism…
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