terça-feira, 12 de março de 2019

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Seven months that I am here and I became NS 
straight-edge, I lost 15 kg, I train every day with guys who pull me up. I do not say this to brag but to explain that having bathed always in the culture of bistro, it was not won, and so you too, little French bar pillar and stuffed of antler, you can get my body of Greek God by coming to Ukraine, not for kissing whores but for sweating all your wine with guys from Azov or hools from FCDK. Yet my roots are in France and I can never let go of my country completely. I love France for its past, its heritage, its history, and Ukraine for its future; So living between the two is a good compromise. And knowing that I am on a pan-European and non-chauvinistic line, I do not see the concern that some skimpy minds see. Never a single second in Ukraine I felt like a stranger. What French can he say that he has never felt a stranger in France?"
-Famine, Peste Noire

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