quarta-feira, 17 de abril de 2019

Mensagem+Imagem do dia

"Hey, French goyim... It's the muslims! Let us fight together against them in the Middle-East. To defend our 
judeo-christian values!"
Said to you the kosher fake-nationali$t…

"Who promoted multiculturalism in our minds for decades?
Who opened the borders?
Who used for decades the executive and judicial power to subvert and brainwash the Gaulish people?
Who runs the fake-media?
Who used public money to fund mosques in our land?
Who used Gaulish tax-money for muslims' welfare parasitism increasing their numbers here?
You want me to full concentrate on the non-native muslims...
But the major question is:
Who had let in the first place the muslims come in?"

"Do not think for yourself Gaulish goyim!
Don't you know that for a jew's morality telling the Truth is a sin?"

"It was the fucking worship of lies that putted France in this situation...
And the Celtic Divine Justice will come to you filthy jew... To you, and to the filthy mason…"

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