"The Struggle to Thrive Versus jewish Degeneracy
The jews are a race and/or an ethnicity of exploiters: middle-men, merchants, lawyers, usurers, petty bureaucrats, and of course rabbinical religious con-men. As befits a parasitic people, they excel in any of the parasitic professions, and particularly those that profit from the immiseration, impoverishment, and degeneracy of others. Puerile entertainment, the pseudo-education that has replaced true academic learning, pharmaceuticals that treat but don’t cure, advocacy and “social services” supporting massive non-Aryan immigration, gambling, booze, debt-slavery, prostitution: jews are heavily represented in each of these fields, if they aren’t in positions of outright dominance over them. From these jewish-controlled positions of degenerative influence, tainted Kosher morality spreads like an infecting fungus through our societies, tenaciously taking root and leaching out our vitality, while allowing corruption and perversions to proliferate with increasing ease. Absent a morality that uplifts the native race and inspires it toward improvement, the foundations of the nation become compromised, buckle, then collapse.
This abhorrent situation is only possible because an ethic of laziness has prevailed; an ethic promoted at every possible opportunity by the jews. Loving and honoring our Aryan heritage and our race means we must defend them against all other heritages and races, both intellectually and on our soil. This is hard, dangerous work that often entails personal sacrifice – and it is work that is impossible if a morality of surrender and unfounded equalitarianism pervade the racial community.
A second common manifestation of a morality debased by malignant jewish influence is a conception of “freedom” reduced to nothing more than a shallow, nihilistic notion, encompassing a complete lack of responsibility, a society permeated with unnatural perversions that are celebrated instead of reviled, and shortsightedly chasing after instant gratification. This is not truly freedom, but instead it is a reckless abdication of the duty to participate in the necessary struggle to ensure the continued existence of our prosperity and the perpetuation of our unique and extraordinarily valuable racial inheritance. It is a morality that leads to the material and spiritual pauperization of the people, followed by the death of the race.
We must stand against the jewish nation-wreckers who wish to see our race irretrievably mongrelized with the vast hordes of kalergi; and to do so requires that we find a collective sense of indissoluble racial courage and pride that can only arise from purging the jewish pathogens from our morality. Start by turning off your Talmudvision and instead use that time to hone yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. As you do, whether you actively engage against the jewish menace to our race or not, you will become an example to the other members of our race – and inspire others to reject the repugnant, crippling jewish morality that is insidiously destroying our homelands and our race. We must restore our racial morality, regain a widespread racial confidence and pride, and stop the jewish-orchestrated Aryan genocide.
The voice of the blood, the racial substance, the history of our folk, the rule of nature reveal to us: All life is struggle – Struggle is the father of all things. Whoever does not affirm this law of nature, surrenders himself.
We encounter struggle everywhere in life and in nature. The young and strong acquire space for itself through it. The stronger defeats the weaker, the higher developed rules the primitive. The inferior is ruthlessly expelled. The victor must always be prepared for new struggle. Whoever wants to survive this struggle, must adapt to its laws: what does not possess the capacity for that, must perish. So struggle leads to a natural order.
Man cannot remove himself from this eternally valid law of struggle. Already his birth is the mother’s victory in the struggle for the existence of mankind. In his life, man must daily wrestle anew from nature every prerequisite for his existence, especially his clothing and nutrition. Man must replace nature’s difficult struggle for life with selection of the capable. It is a trait of racially healthy folks that they have the most difficult conditions for this selection…
The acceptance of struggle also [serves as] the prerequisite for character building. The real greatness of the human soul is only stamped by it. It constitutes the nobility of man, that he does not have to wage struggle due to natural bond, rather he can also wage it by his own decision. Struggle thereby becomes the expression of an attitude and thus of a spiritual occurrence. Only the idea gives man’s struggle a moral value.
Any struggle is degrading, if it is not born and waged from the decision to help a real idea triumph. Where a person fights for ignoble purposes, he supports what is hostile to life, he destroys culture, he sins against the life laws. We have examples of this from the working of Jewry, from the working of communism and from the doctrines of many denominational views.
From the struggle for genuine ideas, however, emerges the community of the like-minded, of the heroes. Whether the struggle is waged intellectually and/or with weapons, it demands the whole personality of man. Hence only the personality can be a perfect fighter. Only it will have the self-confidence and fearlessness that enable man to again and again master even the most disagreeable blows of fate. The personality with firm character does not avoid struggle, regardless of whatever form it takes. Struggle imprints it with a genuine affirmation of life."
-Quintus Sertorius
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