domingo, 5 de maio de 2019

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Your sons and daughters should be treated as your most important masterpiece...
If it is a girl, it is far more important for her to cultivate her mind and soul, instead of hours making-up everyday like a clown like if she's going everyday to participate in
a conquest to be some sort of a Miss...
If it is a boy, it is far more important for him the warrior and philosopher archetype to be his greater inspiration, instead of any liberal degenerate be his role model; and in the end he become just another lemming, just another 


You are both mother and daughter of your sacred Nation!
It is your sacred duty to make your Nation full of heroes in land, in air, and in the sea...
And not a dying nation full of sub-human scum and faggots/pedophiles of lgbt…
-999NS POETRY999

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