Loves his Nation.
Has absolute loyalty to the Nation.
Loves women.
Wants to raise a native family.
Loves football(so-called "soccer").
Loves philosophy.
Practices Martial Arts for body development and for better protecting his family.
Respects private property.
Honor is sacred for him.
Loves his Nation.
Has absolute loyalty to the Nation.
Loves women.
Wants to raise a native family.
Loves football(so-called "soccer").
Loves philosophy.
Practices Martial Arts for body development and for better protecting his family.
Respects private property.
Honor is sacred for him.
Democratic verdict:"Domestic terrorist!"
An Antifa:
Hates his(?) Nation.
Absolutely no loyalty to the Nation.
Rapes women and rapes children.
Spreads hiv in society.
Loves cultural-marxism.
Deals cocaine and heroin.
Practices sodomy.
Do not respect the private properties of others.
Honor is what he hates the most.
Rapes women and rapes children.
Spreads hiv in society.
Loves cultural-marxism.
Deals cocaine and heroin.
Practices sodomy.
Do not respect the private properties of others.
Honor is what he hates the most.
Democratic verdict:"Political activist!"
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Aqui reina a verdade, não a mentira.