"What radicalized you?
Well, it certainly wasn’t the internet, despite what the
fake-media claims.
I was radicalized by reality.
The internet didn’t break my car window just to steal a lousy cell phone charger. The internet didn’t hold me up at gun point for my diamond bracelet. The internet had nothing to do with the four years I spent in college with people who achieved less than me, yet received more special privileges simply because they weren’t Aryan. The internet has nothing to do with the cultural marxist propaganda my ten-year-old daughter brings home from school. Or the rampant degeneracy and race mixing propaganda I see them pushing on her every time I turn on the television, open up a magazine, or go to the mall.
Speaking of the mall, the internet has nothing to do with the fact that the mall I loved so much as a little girl, where I felt safe, now looks more like little Mogadishu. I used to look forward to going there with my parents, now I dread taking my family there. The internet has nothing to do with the 60 hours my husband works every week, only to have our family’s hard earned tax dollars allocated to third world invaders who have no desire to work at all.
The internet didn’t do this and complaining on the internet isn’t going to fix it."
-MIA_Rural America
-MIA_Rural America
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