terça-feira, 11 de junho de 2019

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Swarm of Bees Attack invaders at Texas Border

A Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agent rescued two invaders after a swarm of bees attacked them. The agent transported the two invanders to a local hospital where doctors admitted them to the intensive care unit.
An agent patrolling the border near Brownsville, Texas, encountered a swarm of bees that entered his vehicle. The agent quickly drove away and cleared his vehicle He then returned to the scene to attempt to locate the source of the bees, according to information obtained from Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol officials.

When the agent returned he observed a jacket and a bundle covered by thousands of bees. Further investigation revealed the bundle was a person curled up in a fetal position, the agent reported. The agent yelled at the person to stand up and run to his vehicle.

The agent reported that when the person stood up he observed an small invander who had been covered by an elder invader. The elder invader ran to the Border Patrol vehicle and jumped inside. The agent then evaluated the pair and called for an ambulance to transport them to a local hospital.
 While waiting for an ambulance, the little invader began to vomit. The agent decided he could not wait for the ambulance and drove the the two invaders to the hospital."

A providêNcia às vezes dá-nos coisinhas destas; quiçá para um gajo não perder a fé...digo eu…

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