"French police station besieged with projectiles by group yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’
A local police station in the department of Eure in northern France was attacked by a group of 15 young hooded muslims who launched projectiles and fireworks while shouting the two words ‘Allahu Akbar’.
According to the French newspaper Le Figaro, the attack happened around 2 AM last Friday at the Val-de-Reuil-Louviers police station with the 15 hooded ‘youths’ firing and hurling projectiles at officers, screaming obscenities, and even trying to break into the police building.
As per the CCTV footage which was viewed by staff members at Le Figaro, two of the police offers were forced to deploy riot shields in order to adequately defend themselves against the sustained attack.
The incidents duration is reported to have lasted about 30 minutes. The Alluha Akbar-shouting thugs were so brazen in their criminality that they even reportedly made attempts to break into the building.
Notas pessoais:
Continuem a malhar nos coletes amarelos Gauleses e nos Ultras Gauleses, e a funcionarem como guarda pretoriana do ilegítimo governo/regime anti-Gaulês. Depois queixem-se…
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