terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2020

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

For decades you helped and educated them and now they stab you in the back... Rioting, raping, burning your cities while listening Tupac... Barking lies and lies and lies, while their jewish masters feed them with a lot of Big Mac... Making new saints and martyrs of degenerate thugs, who kidnapped women and sold crack... Speaking constantly of "progress", but in terms of human evolution, they want to go back...

Sometimes we destroy, but for after that something better to create... They only destroy, because higher human creativity is not something you can order or buy in a crate... Utopian and false notions of equality are the modern inquisition which in the past burned "witches" in a stake... Against the eternal laws of Nature trying to convince the 
democratic-masses that a rat is equal to a snake, or a wolf is equal to an ape...

Aryan misanthropy...
Aryan misanthropy...
We refuse to be at their mercy...

Aryan misanthropy...
Aryan misanthropy...
The Gods will help only those with absolute loyalty...

Aryan misanthropy...
Aryan misanthropy...
The only path to avoid defeat and shame and embrace glory and victory....

Aryan misanthropy...
Aryan misanthropy...
Our Racial rebirth will come with the death of 
-999NS POETRY999

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