segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2020

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

You repeat the same narrative that of fake-media, 
mega-capitalists companies, and you call yourself "dissident", "rebel" and "bold"... Preaching false virtues of human equality - Blasphemy against the Gods -, like preaching one KG of sand have the same value of one KG of Gold...

The archetype of liberal-democracy is the fool!
And they are many thousands who riot against what they perceive to be the "power", but the alternative(?) ideas and policies expressed in their political-manifestos, show us clearly that none of them know anything about how to properly rule...

Calling themselves the "victims" while inflicting on innocent citizens doses of daily pain; liberal hipocrisy is spreading like a disease of the soul and the brain; "Defund the police" and "Abolish the courts" is not about racial or social justice but to gain more control and increase in the streets the market of heroin and cocaine; only a fucking naive fool do not see that the drug trafficking of hard drugs was, is, and always will be Antifa's end-game...

They are winning because you forgot to praise the Aryan Gods... By free-will you have chosen to vastly decrease your odds...

The value of opinions is always relative, and a better society is not the one with more quantity; the same way the vulgar soul always dreams with lots of women, himself surrounded by liberal whores in a sexual orgy...the Noble soul search for the one woman that distinguishes herself from others, to be her lover and company... Quality is always better than quantity - Radical Nationalism against liberal-democracy...

Will you continue to learn from the jew?
Or will you start to learning from me?
The choice that you'll make...
...will shape your country's destiny...

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