quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2020

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

Andriy Biletsky - "Brothers Belarusians"

Dear Belarusians! We, Ukrainians, are watching your struggle with dismay and pride. It's even harder for you now than it is for us.

In 2014, you came to our aid. First to maidan, then to the east. Mikhail Jizniewski, a Belarusian from Homel, a Nationalist and posthumously awarded hero of Ukraine, was one of the first to die during the Revolution of Dignity. Dozens of brave people from Belarus fought with me. Many have already taken root in Ukraine - could not return to their homeland, where ruled by a collective farm soot tyrant. Some of our Belarusians returned and were captured by Lukashenko's special services and imprisoned. That's why we Ukrainians are indebted to you.

Despite our long struggle, the Ukrainian state is still not ours. We do not have our own tyrant, but we have the tyranny of oligarchs and pro-Russian's neo-bolsheviks(a new version of marxism with another clothes which consists in the mix of marxism+pseudo-patriotism+christianity without lgbt in order to apease to potencial dissidents from the "right" in order to maintain control over them - the goyim - and supressing in that way true and genuine dissident Nationalist forces - with Dugin as the mastermind behind this) political forces.

I do not know what the Ukrainian state has to offer you, but I know that I and our movement can offer you personally.
We will be able to provide security within our means - housing and legal assistance to Belarusian patriots and Nationalists who are in danger at home.

I will leave behind my views both on the Belarusian government and on the opposition...but at the moment, personalities don't matter. A new Belarus is being born in the current protests. Without collective farm dictatorship and mad from permissive mothballs "chief". I personally (and all our movement) express our support to the new generation of Belarusians, which is hardening today on the streets of rebellious cities!

You're going to make it! I'm sure we do, too. Together we will win and build new successful and free countries.
Long Live Belarus!"
-Andriy Biletsky

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