quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2021

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Globalization is not what Ernst Jünger called the “universal state,” constituted by the progressive fusion of the East and the West. Globalisation is the result of a modernisation which takes the form of a structural adjustment seeking to integrate each society in the world market. It is a process which presents itself as a response to the crisis of modernity stemming from the Enlightenment. But this response consists only in hypostatising the market economy, in turning all capital into finance one and in increasing the power of technoscience. The general idea is that science will allow an understanding of everything; technical expertise, a resolution of everything; and the market, the purchase of everything. But that is not the way it is in reality.

Polanyi forecast that the worship of the market would destroy society. The time has arrived. The “soft trade” which, according to Adam Smith, was supposed to pacify human relations, transplants war to the heart of exchange. The dictatorship of the economic, the primacy of the private sector in the conduct of public affairs, leads to the dissolution of social ties. The universe of generalized deregulation leads to cultures of the lowest common denominator: the same consumerist model. “The eye with no prejudices,” noted Jünger over thirty years ago, “is surprised by the growing vast conformity, which little by little extends to all countries—not only as a monopoly by one of the competitive powers, but as a global life-style.” "
-Alain de Benoist

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