Many European women want to be protected from
non-native rapists, but for decades they ostracize the Native Alpha Male...
Thirsty for the fame, they betrayed the opposite sex of their race and ethnic group, and chose the side of the Jew; putting their souls for sale... Don't you understand a consumer or a voter, is easily replaced in a worldview where "we are all the same"?
The Jew deceived you over, and over, and over again; pushing for your narcissistic ego in a bad way, making you thinking you were queen, but in reality, you were just a stupid pawn in his democratic-game...
Tell me my dear: Are my words of Truth still to hard for you?
Tell me my dear: Is still too radical and to extreme my worldview? Tell me my dear: Is it so hard, to admit that you have so much to learn? Tell me my dear: If you were surrounded by a dozens rats, would do you prefer to have a serpent to protect you, or would you prefer a worm? Tell me my dear: How long? How long for you too become sworn?
Nature does not conceive empty spaces of power...
If it is not the Native male, other non-native male will fill that space... Do you understand now, why you're being
mass-raped in your own Nations, without mercy or grace? In occupied Europe(zog), it is the Jew pulling the strings up in the tower...
I don't want to end your free-will... I just want to make less but better options in your destiny; different paths for the Aryan paradise... But if you want more but worst options; you cannot blame me, for the current chaos and demise...
It is a choice: between quality, or quantity...
It is a choice: between NS, or democracy...
I will not change my dear...
I have no profile for playing the fool...
I will not lie to you my dear...
I want total power, to properly rule...
I want the fall of liberal-democracy...
I prefer drinking the blood of my enemies, than drinking beer or tea...
Redeem yourself my dear...
Accept no Master or leader, except me...
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