terça-feira, 1 de março de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

I'm the sole master of my mind... Only psychological warfare made by me inside myself, can you ever find... Shedding tears in public, only encourages the tyrannical 
neo-bolshevik enemy... Propaganda used against ourselves, by neo-bolsheviks in their own TV... But I'm from a different sort of humanity... I've already lived too much love, too much pain, and too much conflict... My tears are longtime dried; not only mine, but in all Werewolf family... I'm 
half-saint, but also half-demon; so I know how you think... And that's why your plan of conquest of Ukraine, will fail and sink... Atmospheric Black Metal with Nationalistic and mystic lyrics - the necessary mindset, the perfect song... Daily inspiration by the Aryan beauty of my Ukrainian woman and daily motivation by her kiss, with lots of tongue... Radical love and Radical pride in my Nationality... Amazing joy, killing the tyrannical neo-bolshevik enemy...

88 comentários:

  1. Boa noite Wolf. Estou aqui em tom de desabafo, voçê é dos poucos que me "ouve". Por mais imparcial que eu tente ser, não consigo de todo.
    O meu coração está com o povo Ucraniano.
    Não consigo entender os nacionais revolucionarios brasileiros duguinistas pro-russia. Quanta obsessão e seguidismo tem essa gente pela Rússia, que espécie de Nacionalismo eles seguem?
    saudosismo disfarçado pela URSS?
    Naciol Revolucionário para mim é Terceira Posição, do resto desconfio. Até posso concordar em teoria com algumas coisas da 4a teoria política, no entanto, este conflito, revela algumas incongruências dessa teoria "Nacional Revolucionária".
    Entendo algumas razões da Rússia, mas não posso defender e compactuar com esta invasão, os Ucranianos são um bastião para os europeus, dos poucos que ainda existem.
    Será por isso que a querem destruir?
    Um Judeu como presidente é coincidência?
    Estou confuso Wolf.

    Podes-me ajudar, segundo a tua sapiência, a clarificar os tipos, as vertentes Nacional Revolucionarias que existem?

    Nação, Europa,Rússia, Euro-Sibéria, União Ariana. É este bloco que a ordem mundial pós 45 teme. Esta ordem é antiga, não é nova.

    Cumprimentos Wolf

  2. Javelins and NLAWs are proving to be a huge help for Ukrainian forces. Turkish made TB2 drones are also wreaking havoc on Russian vehicles. Even so the governments of the world should supply more weapons, it should be our goal to flood Ukraine in anti armor weapons of all types, there should be no shortage. This war is a fight between liberty and tyranny so we must ensure Ukraine has the tools they need to prevail. Glory to Ukraine!

  3. "Não consigo entender os nacionais revolucionarios brasileiros duguinistas pro-russia. Quanta obsessão e seguidismo tem essa gente pela Rússia, que espécie de Nacionalismo eles seguem?
    saudosismo disfarçado pela URSS?"


    Quero ver qual vai ser agora a ginástica mental que tais idiotas úteis da direitinha vão fazer ao explicarem como é que os que combatem a dita (Des)Ordem Mundial serão também os anfitriões do internacionalismo Antifa.

    Não percas tempo com esses gajos Arencio, eles 'não chegam lá' por mais vezes que lhes sejam explicadas as coisas, ou por mais factos que lhes sejam mostrados.
    Nesse aspecto, os idiotas úteis da direitinha não são muito diferentes dos idiotas úteis da esquerdálha-caviar; só aprendem da pior maneira e/ou quando já é tarde demais.

  4. "Russian troops in Crimea refuse to take part in Ukraine invasion.

    The Center for Defense Strategies, citing their sources in the marine personnel in Crimea, says members of Russia’s 810th Detached Marine Brigade are in a “demoralized state."

    Falso ou verdadeiro?

  5. "The Pentagon announces that some Russian troops are deliberately damaging the fuel tanks of their own vehicles in order to avoid heading into combat."

    Vem na linha destas notícias.
    Só quem está lá pode confirmar isso ou não...agora, uma coisa é certa, há poucas formas de morrer mais estúpidas do que morrer pelo Putin.
    Só um perfeito idiota morre por um gajo que não merece, por uma guerra sem qualquer sentido, e ainda por cima com a sua família na terra natal a empobrecer drasticamente fruto da mega inflacção provocada pelo Putin e com risco de ver as suas contas bancárias futuramente roubadas pelo Putin e seus gangsters com o pretexto de que "ah, e tal, não há dinheiro na economia, vamos precisar do dinheiro das vossas contas para sustentar a guerra e tal, coiso, e isso.."

  6. https://twitter.com/franakviacorka/status/1497911200692289544

  7. Ukrainians are fighting for their country, for their homes and for their families. What are Russian soldiers fighting and dying for? For an old man's dream of a reborn empire of the USSR?

    This is not Russia's war. This is not Belarus's war. It is Putin's war, and Putin's alone.

  8. https://twitter.com/war_noir/status/1498996937806200840










  9. https://twitter.com/Based_FIN/status/1498713164665528328







  10. "Javelins and NLAWs are proving to be a huge help for Ukrainian forces. Turkish made TB2 drones are also wreaking havoc on Russian vehicles. Even so the governments of the world should supply more weapons, it should be our goal to flood Ukraine in anti armor weapons of all types, there should be no shortage. This war is a fight between liberty and tyranny so we must ensure Ukraine has the tools they need to prevail. Glory to Ukraine!"

    Não basta isso, precisam também espingardas sniper e aviões de forma equilibrar a guerra no espaço aéreo. A partir do momento que Putin leva forças Armadas da Chechênia e Biolorrússia, os Europeus e Americanos não devem estar com qualquer hesitação em fornecerem aviões de guerra aos Ucranianos.

  11. "A partir do momento que Putin leva forças Armadas da Chechênia e Biolorrússia, os Europeus e Americanos não devem estar com qualquer hesitação em fornecerem aviões de guerra aos Ucranianos."

    Óbvio! Se a força tirana é internacional, então as forças da liberdade terão que ser internacionais também. Foi o Putin que abriu o precedente ao utilizar tais mercenários neo-bolchevistas e islâmicos internacionais, destruindo dessa forma a sua própria narrativa de que isto era exclusivamente um conflicto entre Russos e Ucranianos, e que ninguém mais tinha que se meter nisso.

  12. The Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the orc command post in the village of Dytyatky near Chornobyl. The Chief of Staff of the 36th Army of the Eastern Military District, Major General Sergei Nirkov, fled to Belarus. And he left his personnel to destroy our army.
    The Russians do not abandon theirs, do they?

  13. Putin e os seus lacaios generais neo-bolchevistas estão a querer convencer os idiotas úteis dos soldados Russos neo-bolchevistas que é perfeitamente possível no futuro patrulharem as ruas à vontade dentro de uma Nação que os odeia, cujo povo está disposto a lutar, cujo povo cada dia que passa está cada vez mais radical e vingativo, e que terá milhares de snipers nas mais diversas janelas das mais diversas casas e prédios a liquidarem os invasores um a um fazendo-os cair que nem tordos.

  14. A new batch of Stingers and Panzerfaust-3 from Germany is already in Ukraine.

  15. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FM3B8q3WQAAeL7z?format=jpg&name=small

  16. Russians soldiers are just human meat for Putin. We just have to look how the current Russian elite treats Russian people, like slaves. No surprise whatsoever... Russian people are slaves in their own land. They should be fighting in Russia to overthrow the corrupt government of Putin; not in Ukraine.

  17. Germany delivers 1000 anti-tank weapons and 500 FIM-92 Stinger to Ukraine.
    History in the making.

  18. At the Command of the Special Operations Forces, the ZSU turned back to the Russian artillery.

    Vidpovidny text of Russian publications of the celebrations on Wednesday, 2nd Birch.

    Published without change:

    “The Brotherhood of the SSO of Ukraine sends greetings to the Russian artillerymen!

    We congratulate you: after you have covered our peaceful cities, our relatives, children, loved ones with the most severe shelling, you, worms, have become our number one target.

    We explain to you, Vanka: you seem to be far away and shoot at targets you can't see. You do not see little children, old people, houses, kindergartens, schools and hospitals - all this is for a simple purpose. Shot, flew, hit - fuck it, right guys?

    And now look, worms: you don’t see your goals, and that’s why it seems to be easier for you. But believe me: it will never be easier for you scum. We already have information about you. And if for someone else there is no, then this is a matter of a few minutes.


    No mercy, no “please don’t kill, I surrender” will not pass.

    Each calculation, no matter: commander, driver, gunner, loader - will be slaughtered like pigs. Piss in your pants, we've already come for you.

    Call your mom one last time. Say you'll die soon, jackal.
    We are not death, we are worse!”

  19. https://twitter.com/BabakTaghvaee/status/1499331203261997056













  20. The Deputy Commander of the 41st Army of Russia, former Commander of the Seventh Airborne Division, Major General Andriy Sukhovetsky, was killed on the territory of Ukraine.

    Another useful idiot that died for Putin...

  21. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FM3772mWUAUn8i-?format=jpg&name=small

    More and more Russian soldiers are surrender and refusing to die for Putin and his sick plan of resurrection of Soviet Union - the same system that enslaved and murdered MILLIONS of Russias in the Gulags.

  22. Esta guerra provou que:

    Urge investir mais na defesa

    Nem tudo se resolve com palavras

    Linguagem inclusiva e bandeiras arco-íris não resolvem problemas reais

    Independência energética é fundamental

    Ou seja, tudo o que os wokes te venderam durante os últimos 40 anos é mentira!

  23. "Ou seja, tudo o que os wokes te venderam durante os últimos 40 anos é mentira!"

    E qual foi a forma de regime que possibilitou essa contínua operação de mentira/sabotagem interna? Não foi a merdocracia? Pois, é isso...

    Ao menos este conflicto dentro das muitas coisas más, está a ter o lado positivo de mostrar que:

    -Quando a merda estoura, são os Nacionalistas Radicais que estão na linha da frente.
    -Quanto mais machos Nativos viris e radicais, maior chance de as mulheres Nativas sobreviverem.
    -Quando a guerra estoura a concepção de Selecção Natural vem ao de cima e mostra que a igualdade humana não existe: os melhores homens são os mais corajosos, os mais inteligentes, os mais determinados, os mais criativos, os mais leais. Tudo o resto é lixo, falsos ídolos de regimes liberais decadentes.
    -Guerreiros são machos Alpha.
    -Betos, otários, maricas, gajos que são politicamente correctos e afins são os machos Beta.
    -Uma Nação só pode resistir se tiver uma quantidade considerável de machos Alpha.
    -Quanto mais machos Alpha possuir, maior a probabilidade de resistir.
    -Feminismo quer igualdade absoluta em relação aos homens, mas quando a guerra rebenta, nenhuma delas quer ingressar nas fileiras para combater, honk honk!

  24. Volkswagen suspende operações na Rússia Exportações do maior fabricante automóvel europeu para a Federação Russa também vão parar com efeitos imediatos. 👌

  25. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FM1ltfLXIAAvoS3?format=jpg&name=small

  26. "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FM1ltfLXIAAvoS3?format=jpg&name=small"

    Não esquecer que o comunista encapotado do monhé há bem pouco tempo estava numa coligação com eles.
    Ou o filho da puta do Me(r)dina ex presidente da câmara de Lisboa que andava a chibar dados de cidadãos dissidentes Russos - fora o que a gente não sabe...- aos neo-bolchevistas do Kremlin.

    Convém ter memória.

  27. Putin's propaganda: "We will pay 'x' rublos for the familis who lost soldiers in Ukraine"

    A conscious Russian citizen: "Wait a second! How much real value have a rublo right now, and how much real value will have in the coming future after a massive inflation?"

    Putin:"Arrest this citizen! He is another Nazi!"

    That's the level of demagogy and brainwashing in the current Putin's Russia.

  28. E não esquecer que mesmo esses Rublos foram/são roubados ao povo Russo pelo Putin.

    Ou seja, basicamente é isto:

    "Se os teus filhos morrerem numa guerra sem qualquer sentido, da qual eu sou 100% responsável, eu depois entrego-te uma parte do dinheiro que te venho roubando como indemnização, topas?"

  29. Putin: "Ukrainians and Russians are the same people"
    Also Putin: "Ukrainians have no right to exist"

  30. https://www.reddit.com/r/Military/comments/t5td91/video_from_russian_soldiers_the_occupational_army/


    Cameraman: Here we are, standing around for the 3rd or 4th day. We haven't had a proper meal in 3 or 4 days. The guys who have been basically thrown out as cannonfodder are gathered here now, they're telling us to sign some papers - they want to fire us tomorrow, they'll tell us tomorrow if we're fired, and today we'll be driven out to the points of permanent deployment.

    Nobody agrees with them, we're staying here for - how long have we been staying here, guys? 3-4 days? - we were just sent to be the cannonfodder. Here are all the guys, the ones who managed to get out and stay alive, and they're telling us to sign some papers so they can cover their asses.

    Other soldier: They want to have our dismissal backdated.

    Cameraman: Yeah, they want to backdate our dismissal like those who have not returned, who didn't come here and stayed in the regiment. And we're right here. They drove us out here for some "training".

    Other soldier: Amazing fucking "training". I feel real fucking trained right now.

    Cameraman: They're not transporting the bodies out or anything. We're now simply waiting to be moved across the border. They're telling us for the third day in a row that they're going to move us back. Nobody is bringing us home.

    Other soldier: Tell them we slept on the floor, we got no tents, no food, no water.

    Cameraman: Yeah, this is where we slept. Everyone's got wet shoes. We don't know what to do anymore. That's how they work. They just want to cover their own asses.

    Other soldier: And then they say the Russian army is fucking great. Go Russian Army! (/s)

    Cameraman: We came here, took [end]

  31. The Russian army abandoned its meat units at random. And now he wants them to sign the necessary papers (in order to resign retroactively). Then Shoigu reports: no losses.

  32. Russia's debt is now classified as "junk".

    The three main rating agencies worldwide justify the cuts with the impact that the invasion of Ukraine and the economic sanctions imposed on Russia by most countries in the world will have on the economy.

    The agencies believe that the country may no longer be able to meet the repayment of international loans.

  33. Bolshevik economy: "If we genocide millions of people, they don't need money or food anymore!"


  34. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FM8cjkiWUAIhY6t?format=jpg&name=900x900

  35. Russian military base with 245 units of military machinery and large number of troops exterminated near Mykolaiv - "Thanks to friends who illuminated these objects"

  36. It's a translation of an analysis of a Russian war with Ukraine from early February, and the author (a former Russian officer) disagrees with the apparently predominant opinion that any war with Ukraine is going to be a cake walk. In fact, he pretty much called out every single thing which went wrong for the Russians except for the insane thunder runs and FUBARed logistics. I think that level of incompetence was even too much for him to envision. But among the things he called out:

    The Russian leadership believed that no one would defend the "Kyiv regime", he argues that this idea is simply ludicrous and that the population in fact hates Moscow

    They believed that a first strike would effectively crush the military, he argues that it's ridiculous to believe, that their available number of ballistic missiles and cruise missiles (only a few hundred) will be anywhere near sufficient to bring a country with almost the population size of France to its heels

    --> Fact check: Several hundred missile strikes later Ukraine is still enthusiastically into the fight, and international analysts think the Russians are running low on missiles

    They believed that they'd get air superiority pretty fast, but the analyst cautions that the Chechens and Afghans didn't have a single fighter plan and still fought on for years, and that Ukrainian air defense has proven itself to be formidable in the 2008 war in the caucasus (where apparently Ukrainian crews served the Georgian air defenses)

    --> Fact check: A week in, there's still no Russian air superiority, the Ukrainian air defense is still in action and the Ukrainian air force is still sortying

    The Russian leadership apparently believed that the Ukrainian forces are in a pathetic state, he disagrees and argues that they've been trained and armed up to NATO standards since 2014

    --> Fact check: If anyone is in a pathetic state, it seems to be the Russians, so far the only thing which is working for them apparently is burying the Ukrainians under shells, rockets, and bodies of their conscripts

    They also thought that the West won't send a single soldier to defend Ukraine. He agrees with this assessment, however, he points out that the West will most likely supply the Ukraine with all kinds of military equipment and allow for volunteers to enter the country. --> Fact check: Yep. West is sending entire train loads of weapons into Ukraine, and also starting to allow volunteers to get involved.

    They were of the opinion to end the conflict in a matter of hours, in response the analyst quotes "seize the city with one parachute regiment in two hours", which apparently is a reference to some Russian MoD's comment about being able to take Grozny in 1994 (not). He claims that the Ukrainian cities make it very easy for them to give the Russians one Stalingrad or Grozny after the other

    --> Fact check: Regarding the parachute regiment comment, the (catastrophic) air assault on Hostomel comes to mind. Also, Kyiv still hasn't been taken, and likely won't be for weeks.

  37. "Putin: "Ukrainians and Russians are the same people"
    Also Putin: "Ukrainians have no right to exist"

    pior ainda do que essa, foi esta:

  38. Panasonic Group suspended transactions with Russia

    The company will also donate more than €150 million to humanitarian aid.

    The company will also donate more than €150 million to humanitarian aid.© Shutterstock The company will also donate more than €150 million to humanitarian aid.
    Panasonic announced the decision to suspend all transactions with Russia, a move the Japanese conglomerate says is related to “economic, logistical and practical” challenges.

    In addition to this measure, Panasonic also announced that it will donate approximately 20 million yen (158 million euros) to the Polish Red Cross and Peace Winds Japan, a non-profit organization that will provide aid to Ukrainian refugees.

    “At Panasonic Group, we have been very concerned about the current situation in Ukraine and would like to express our deepest condolences to all the victims. We hope that the world will return to peace and security as soon as possible.”

  39. "Não concordo contigo Thor, isso não é nacionalismo mas sim internacionalismo."

    claro que é internacionalismo. mas do ponto de vista deste demente, que até diz "um só povo", é nacionalismo. estou a falar do ponto de vista dele, uma vez que emprega a expressão "povo". se ele diz que Ucranianos e Russos são o mesmo povo, então pra ele isso tem que ser nacionalismo. não estou a falar pra nós, estou a falar pra ele e do ângulo dele.

    uma coisa era ele dizer: vamos conquistar os Ucranianos e não me importa que sejam ou não um povo diferente, isso não interessa porque vamos restabelecer a Urss.
    aí seria coerente. errado, mas coerente. só que ele diz que Ucranianos e Russos são o mesmo povo e depois fala em "propaganda nacionalista".

  40. "Putin: "Ukrainians and Russians are the same people"
    Also Putin: "Ukrainians have no right to exist"

    pior ainda do que essa, foi esta:

    Não concordo contigo Thor, isso não é nacionalismo mas sim internacionalismo.
    Vem na linha da mesma lenga-lenga e da utopia soviética que ia deixar de haver Russos, Ucranianos, Polacos, Lituanos, etc e iam passar a serem todos o "povo soviético".

    Além de que os Ucranianos tem uma cultura e folclore específico, e comparado com a Rússia, eles são muito mais uma Nação; mas é que nem se compara.
    Na presente Rússia, devido à versão plano kalergi aplicada por Putin, tens mais de 20 milhões de islâmicos - e etnicamente que eu saiba o islão não é uma religião Russa -, depois tens uma data daquilo que eles chamam de "Caucasians" que são os semitas da região do Cáucaso - que basicamente violam as mulheres Russa Eslavas, e funcionam como uma máfia nas ruas extorquindo dinheiro dos comerciante Russos Eslavos locais a troco de "segurança -, depois tens aqueles gajos da ex-républicas soviéticas que são mestiços traçados com sangue Asiático de leste, etc etc...

    Há de facto uma cultura e folclore especificamente Russa, mas quem a representa é precisamente os opositores de Putin, os Nacionalistas Radicais.
    E estes são oprimidos pelo próprio regime Russo de Putin.
    Putin tem vindo a genocidar a Etnicidade Eslava Russa, seja do ponto de vista cultural mas até mesmo biológica -, e quer sim criar ARTIFICIALMENTE uma pseudo-cultura Russa que basicamente é tal 4ªTeoria do seu guru intelectual Dugin, que bem espremido é nada mais nada menos do que uma recriação do bolchevismo que consiste em comunismo+cristianismo russo ortodoxo+pseudo patriotismo.
    Daí a designação "Neo-bolchevismo"...

  41. Aliás, Putin CONDENA o Nacionalismo.
    E os padres da igreja ortodoxa Russa também CONDENAM o Nacionalismo.

    Putin é a antítese do Nacionalismo.
    Até mesmo na política internacional vemos isso.

    Os Nacionalistas RESPEITAM a soberania e as fronteiras dos outros.
    Da mesma forma que hoje estamos do lado da Ucrânia, também fomos contra aquilo que os liberais-capitalistas sionistas fizeram com a Sérvia.
    Da mesma forma que um Nacionalista JAMAIS vai tentar subverter outras Nações com comunismo, também JAMAIS vai tentar subverter outras Nações com liberal-capitalismo, multiculturalismo, lgbt, ong pró-democracia e afins...

    Daí eu estar muito atento à posição da China nisto.
    É que a China se for inteligente pensa assim:
    "Os Nacionalistas Radicais são de facto anti-comunistas, mas também é verdade que da parte deles jamais eles nos irão tentar subverter através de lgbts, ong pró-democracia, e afins..."

    A mesma coisa vale para a Índia, Japão, Senegal, Arábia Saudita, etc...
    Os Nacionalistas Radicais aquilo que defendem é que cada Nação deve ser soberana e ter o direito de se organizar como quer e da forma como bem entender, de forma a defender os superiores interesses da sua raça e etnia.

    O Japão entende isso, e daí nós nos darmos bem com eles.
    Para além de que pessoalmente, e não só eu, mas também muitos Nacionalistas Radicais Arianos, somos confessos admiradores da cultura Samurai.

  42. claro que condena o Nacionalismo.

    mas até ele precisou de utilizar um argumento de cariz Nacionalista para justificar e camuflar o seu internacionalismo/imperialismo, quase na mesma frase em que fala de propaganda Nacionalista sofrida pelos Ucranianos.

    é isto que quero dizer. ele pode não acreditar na justificação que deu, mas o facto é que deu uma justificação de cariz Nacionalista para justificar agredir a Ucrânia.

  43. Volto a não concordar contigo. Quando muito tentou dar uma justificação de (pseudo)patriotismo.

    Patriotismo e Nacionalismo não é mesma coisa.
    Todos os Nacionalistas são patriotas, mas nem todos os patriotas são Nacionalistas.
    Da mesma forma que Pátria e Nação não é a mesma coisa.

    Agora, a argumentação de Putin e sua narrativa facilmente se pode virar contra ele.
    Exemplo: Islândia, Dinamarca, Suécia, Noruega, Finlândia são Nações diferentes, mas todas elas são de cultura Viking; logo do ponto de vista geoestratégico e macro-cultural(cultura Viking), faria toda a lógica que tivessem uma política de defesa militar conjunta.
    E para bom entendedor...

  44. Anthem of Ukraine performed by a quartet of Russian orcs

  45. https://twitter.com/war_noir/status/1499802035658661898

    Territorial Defense Forces" members from #Georgia 🇬🇪 released a video to claim that they will re-take the locations from Russian Forces.

    Members can be seen with 5.45x39mm AK-74 rifle and 7.62x39mm Ukrainian AKMS-SB rifle (AKM with AKS-74 folding stock).

    Could Putin resist a war conflict in various fronts?
    Dispersion of logistic and time?
    Dispersion of man?
    Dispersion of resources?
    And not forget the economic-financial war!

    Just food for thought...

  46. https://preview.redd.it/83q0e0oloel81.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=698f12a77c2bf9be8813b141a1cd0de3686a8bf8

  47. Microsoft suspends sales in Russia

    In the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Microsoft today announced that it will suspend all new sales of products and services in Russia.

    According to the article published by Brad Smith, president of the company, on the official Microsoft blog, the company is coordinating with the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Commission to comply with the sanctions imposed on Russia. The company also commits to taking additional steps as the situation evolves.

  48. Several countries announced a boycott of Russian vodka because of the Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Australia, Canada, Denmark, the United States, Finland, Lithuania, New Zealand and Poland are switching to Ukrainian brands.

  49. Sanctions against Putin's Russian sport continue. This Friday, the European Association of Professional Football Leagues decided to expel the first tier (RPL) and the second tier (FNL) of Russia from the group of members.

    A decision justified by the recent invasion of Vladimir Putin's forces in Ukraine, last Thursday. It is recalled that all Russian clubs, as well as the national teams, are already suspended by FIFA and UEFA from participating in international competitions.

  50. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNGZTLlXwAYL05E?format=jpg&name=small


    Another bunch of useful idiots who died for Putin.
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  51. JUST IN - VISA suspends all operations in Putin's Russia: All cards issued in Russia will no longer work outside the country and any cards issued outside of Russia will no longer work within the Russian Federation.

  52. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNLkSZiX0AAdZZm?format=jpg&name=small


    Another bunch of useful idiots who died for Putin.
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  53. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNKqUgxXEA0Uz7W?format=jpg&name=360x360



    Another bunch of useful idiots who died for Putin.
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  54. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqciopjTd3s

  55. The ruble, in Russia, lost 62.1% of its value since Putin invaded Ukraine in the 24th February and the West, and financially isolated countries.

    Putin=Disgrace for the Russian people.
    Putin is the new Nicolás Maduro.
    Wake up to reality stupid Orcs!

  56. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNMMcSDXwAcXycA?format=jpg&name=small



    Another bunch of useful idiots who died for Putin.
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  57. Why the invaders are using the letter "Z"?

    After all, it was the jew Yagoda who was the main architect of Holodomor...
    The same people and the same ethnicity now wants another Holodomor over Ukraine.

    Stop comparing Putin to Hitler stupidfucks.
    Hitler fought precisily the same scum who are murdering and raping Ukrainians right now.

  58. It also became known that the commander of the BTGR, Lieutenant Colonel Sleptsov, changed into civilian clothes yesterday and fled.

    An instructive story for all Russian servicemen, it is better to change into civilian clothes and run away than to fight with Ukrainians on their land and die or remain crippled.

  59. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNPz7TcX0AQeGcx?format=jpg&name=360x360


    Another bunch of useful idiots who died for Putin.
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  60. "Why the invaders are using the letter "Z"?

    After all, it was the jew Yagoda who was the main architect of Holodomor...
    The same people and the same ethnicity now wants another Holodomor over Ukraine.

    Stop comparing Putin to Hitler stupidfucks.
    Hitler fought precisily the same scum who are murdering and raping Ukrainians right now."


  61. https://twitter.com/Odessa8436/status/1501123439238778883

    Another bunch of useful idiots who died for Putin.
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  62. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNUYwHcXIAMzESW?format=jpg&name=small

    One more useful idiot who died for Putin...
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  63. https://twitter.com/Based_FIN/status/1501227912543961092

    More and more Russian soldiers are surrender and refusing to die for Putin.

  64. "The U.S. ban will include Russian oil, liquefied natural gas and coal."

    Based Putin says everything is under control, because Russia will become the major country exporting demagogy.

  65. In the international day of Women, Putin manage to bomb Ukrainian Women, and impoverishing Russian Women with inflation.

    The based "liberator".

  66. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNWLhBaX0AQYxMc?format=jpg&name=small

  67. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNVNQfuWQAM9U3t?format=jpg&name=900x900

    One more useful idiot who died for Putin...
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  68. World Tourism Organization begins process to suspend Russia

  69. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNXxFlDXEAIKzyk?format=jpg&name=large


    Another bunch of useful idiots who died for Putin.
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  70. Severoth - Поклик карпат is a masterpiece

  71. "Severoth - Поклик карпат is a masterpiece"

    Yes it is.

  72. In Brovarskyi district, the Orc commander of the occupier's regiment, Colonel Zakharov O., was liquidated.

    One more useful idiot who died for Putin...
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  73. "Russia may be on the brink of bankruptcy. The notice is from the ranking agency Fitch.

    Moscow could thus fail to pay international creditors an almost unprecedented default."


  74. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_ie6vAvGnM

    And the Bolshevik Orcs still really believe that they will enter Kiev and conquer it, a city of about 3 million inhabitants, most of them armed, in the middle of urban combat taking missiles, bullets, and molotov cocktails from all sides, and that in the end they will come out of there alive and victorious.
    A very big lack of understanding...

    Putin's propaganda is not reality stupid Orcs

  75. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNfQKpWXMAIrEb6?format=jpg&name=900x900

  76. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNfRRpyWYAM-sFk?format=jpg&name=small

    One more useful idiot who died for Putin...
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  77. The Kadyrovites shot dead 12 wounded Russian soldiers so that they would not have to be evacuated to a Belarusian hospital.
    Social guarantees, prestige of the profession and confidence in the future in Russian.

    Russian soldiers=human meat for Putin.

  78. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNq3oE9WYAMAvG7?format=jpg&name=small

    One more useful idiot who died for Putin...
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  79. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNrJZIqWUAMauNZ?format=jpg&name=small

    One more useful idiot who died for Putin...
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  80. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNutv-KWQAEDWHP?format=jpg&name=small


    Another bunch of useful idiots who died for Putin.
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  81. The Armed Forces of Ukraine liquidated another Orc colonel


  82. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FN1GxLfXwAIiNey?format=jpg&name=small

    One more useful idiot who died for Putin...
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  83. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FN2dYjoWUAUFI3a?format=jpg&name=small

    One more useful idiot who died for Putin...
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  84. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FN4UJ5cWUAIJrz-?format=jpg&name=small

    One more useful idiot who died for Putin...
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  85. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FN4v3zwXoAY5GqB?format=jpg&name=small

    One more useful idiot who died for Putin...
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  86. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FN5R0ThXsAInCPb?format=jpg&name=900x900

    One more useful idiot who died for Putin...
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  87. The major general of the ors invaders, who was liquidated by Azov today, turned out to be the commander of the elite 150th Motorized Rifle Division. His name was Oleg Mityaev.


    One more useful idiot who died for Putin...
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!

  88. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOJrkWMXwAQ28eL?format=jpg&name=small

    One more useful idiot who died for Putin...
    Go home Bolshevik Orcs!


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