quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Eating soup with a fork, eating meat with a spoon, moral relativism celebrating the transgender madness, 
precisely in the month whose name, was consecrated to the Goddess Juno - and so became "June"... While feminists accusing us of "misogyny" - oh, just another sweet liberal irony... It is not me or us, but mostly you, who destroy your own credibility... Moral hygiene, inevitably leads, to selective misanthropy...

We and liberals are not of the same kind... We do not like the same kind of song... We do not share similar mind... The true concept of the Divine Right&Wrong, is determined by my consciousness, my hand, and my tongue... A Master religion commands the spirit, the body; its Theocracy... For I gave you Wisdom&Truth through poetry, while they just give you demagogy&lies through vulgar words and vulgar noise... Submissive only to me... Your body, but always my choice...

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