domingo, 10 de julho de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Kalergi hordes raping women in the subways forced them to be fold... Kalergi hordes stealing grandmothers and grandfathers in the parks, with no respect for the old... Inflation does not stop to rise because there is no equivalent in the printed money in work/value or gold... Fake-media spreading lies everyday where the Truth is no longer told... Antifa playing the playbook of the mainstream (((corporations))) and (((media))), while portraying themselves as "rebels against the system" who are so brave and so bold... A non-stop everyday of misfortunes because to jews your country by democrats was sold... The continual misfortunes are only symptoms of the main disease... An ethnicity whose for Aryan Gods constantly unplease... The cure for your Nation, only comes when the jews are no more in the breeze... In this month of July consecrated to Jupiter, may his Divine wisdom, be like a seed...

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