terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

They called themselves the sane ones, and they called me the mad... They called themselves the good ones, and they called me the bad... But I was right again and again and again; and they with their pompous suits speaking on TV, have now nothing to be brag... Still trying to deceive the masses, but becomes more difficult when the money is shorter everyday for them to buy the gasoline, the meat and the bread... Trying to defame me in a tentative of not discuss the content of the message, because in terms of intellect, wisdom, creativity and honor they are too small and over them my shadow is too big... And now, each day it passes, the desperate masses they once deceived are now dreaming to slaughter democratic politicians like a pig... They once accused me also of extreme-radical-fanatic pride... Just because unlike them, they know I would never betray my Nation and my people and accepting the jewish bribe...

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