Under the pretext of covid-19 they imposed a long lockdown, making your business and sustain of living fall to the ground... Humiliated, you are now forced to work in McDonald's to pay your bills, and serving a Big Mac... Meanwhile, non-native anti-Aryan racists are getting money for free from the zog-state and killing minor children with a knife attack... Democratic politicians and fake-media calling Radical Nationalists of "terrorists" while financing the real terrorists in your Nation through Kalergi plan... No Truth for the masses, because in the so-called "free-press" in a democracy, it is the Jew who holds the pen... The amount of thousands of German women raped and killed, the so-called "humanists" and "feminists", they both don't care... The other lemmings so-called "moderates", they just want drama like a Weimar-novel to taking photos of the German victims in the streets through their phones while they stare...
And many policeman, despite all that, are still raiding the houses of the Radical Nationalists, precisely the ones who most love Germany; their people, their ethnicity and their race... And still, wandering why so many German people don't trust the cop... And still, don't understanding why so many Germans became misanthrope... A sick democratic-society where they blame the ones who have no fault... A decaying democratic-society that values more the material world than the human soul... For some reason, Odin/Wotan was/is also the God of poetry... Jehovah, is on the other hand, the non-native God of usury... Understanding the vital importance of the Native psyche to rise a higher society, was always the key...
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