"Antidogma: From Communist World Revolution to Globalist Woke-Capitalism
January 10, 2023 in Thoughts
The communist strategy known as the "world revolution" (1917-1924) aimed to create a communist world government, inciting the proletarian masses against the ruling class of the time, in order to replace it with a Marxist leadership supported by cosmopolitan bankers and a horde of declassified social elements calling each other comrades.
It is a double irony of fate that the Marxists labeled the ruling class of the time as "bourgeois capitalist oppressor", even though they themselves mostly belonged to it by birth and wealth, and that communism resulted in an oppressive neo-feudal oligarchy in practice (for the plebs, "lord ” was replaced by “my party”). Around this time, almost every European country experienced communist armed subversion, but the strategy of world revolution ultimately failed (almost)everywhere, except in Russia, where the Marxists least expected it to succeed, since their entire ideology was based on their obsession that communism "evolves naturally" from industrial from capitalism.
The failure of the world revolution was primarily due to the mostly nationalist and some conservative views held by the "workers of the world" (that is, normal Europeans). It turned out that the various nations of Europe did not want to dissolve into a communist and internationalist superstate, and they were not at all fond of the "international worker" (proletarian) identity that the Marxists used to house them, and moreover, they insisted on their private property in a very retrograde, even reactionary way - according to communists' worldview.
Everything had three consequences. First, nationalist parties were formed all over Europe to fight against the Bolshevik Marxists and the financial oligarchy that supported them, some of them manifesting in various forms of "fascism" in many countries. Second, Lenin, upset by the failure of the world revolution, decided to conquer Europe by force in the belief that a communist Germany was necessary for the victory and consolidation of communism in Russia, because Russia was essentially an agrarian state, and consequently, according to Marxist voodoo science, it lacked what it needed to achieve communism: objective conditions.
The Bolsheviks therefore tried to invade Western Europe, which was bleeding from a thousand wounds after the First World War, through Poland, but the Poles stopped them and defeated them in the Battle of Warsaw. With this, the Polish Commander-in-Chief and Head of State Józef Piłsudski won the recognition of Adolf Hitler, whom he considered the savior of Europe and especially Germany, which was the number one target of the Bolsheviks. Since the Poles were quite anti-Jewish, this could obviously have influenced Hitler's favorable opinion of them.
Pravda: "Towards the West! The road to world hell leads through the corpse of white Poland. We will bring happiness and peace to working humanity on our bayonets." Soviet commander Tukhachevsky: "The fate of the world revolution will be decided in the West: the road to the universal conflagration leads through the corpses of Poland"...
Finally, after it became clear that the strategy of world revolution was a total failure, the most pragmatic Marxists realized that world communism could not be achieved through violence, and rejected the illusion that the viscerally nationalist European working class could be used as a tool for (((internationalism))). Italian communist leader and theorist Antonio Gramsci developed the theory of "cultural hegemony" after concluding that ruling elites control society not only politically, but also culturally, through various institutions (church, press, public education, etc.). Following in the footsteps of Gramsci, the reformist Marxists of the Frankfurt school developed new theories of the cultural revolution, which later led to the rise of the Western European New Left and the ideology of cultural or neo-Marxism.
In order to understand what happened later - i.e. the current processes in the West - it is a moment of fundamental importance that this "Western Marxist" New Left won the unanimous support of the globalist big capitalists and bankers, who by that time had already gained a dominant position in influencing Western parliamentary democracies through their organizations such as Foreign Relations Council (CFR), the Bilderbeg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and today the World Economic Forum.
Using the "long march through the institutions" strategy developed by Gramsci, neo-Marxists carried out the occupation and subversion of all Western social and cultural institutions (mass media, public education, literature, art, academia, corporations, churches, etc.), and after consolidating their power above them, they have practically brainwashed the entire population through social osmosis.
Today's Western societies are so filled with cultural Marxist ideology that even the conservative right-wing gags its rhetorical elements on a daily basis. Since the 60s of the last century, cultural Marxism has successfully undermined the family, nationalism and religions (Mostly Christianity, but not Islam) in almost the entire Western world, and the program for the next decade already includes the abolition of private property, "capitalism for us , communism for you!" as part of the Great Reset plan in Davos.
With the resounding slogan of the reconciliation of capital and labor, the traditional "systemic oppression" narrative of orthodox Marxism, according to which the "bourgeoisie oppresses the proletariat" has been replaced by the "multicultural LGBT coalition vs. white heterosexual patriarchy" narrative, eliminating the class struggle that sounds bad to capitalist ears - its theme. This is how the fusion of cultural Marxism and multinational big capital was realized as the so-called woke (roughly enlightened) capitalism.
Bakunin already warned about the dangers of the "unholy alliance" of Marx and Rothschild to the interests of the working class. The current version of this same alliance threatens the social and economic positions of heterosexual Aryan men, and ultimately the very existence of Aryan societies."
-Gazdag István
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