"THE IMPORTANCE OF FATHERS (According to Science)
1. Children With Fathers Are Less Likely to Live in Poverty
Statistics suggest that children in father-absent homes are:
- More likely to be poor
- More likely to hit poverty
- More likely to give up in the race of life.
2. Children With Fathers Do Better in School
When it comes to getting A's:
- Children with fathers had 43% more chances
- Fatherless families had children repeating their grades
- Children with fathers at their home read more books on average.
3. Children Without Fathers Are More Likely to Do Jail Time
Youths in father-absent households have significantly higher odds of incarceration than those in mother/father families.
Young people who never had a father in the household experienced the highest odds of jail time.
4. Children With Fathers Are Less Likely to Abuse Drugs and Alcohol
There is significantly more drug use among children who live in:
- Father-absent homes
- Single-mother homes
- Brother fewer homes.
5. Children Without Fathers Are More Likely to Be Sexually Active as Teenagers
Dads have twice the influence as moms on reducing teen sex.
Children without fathers were involved in early sexual activity and were seven times more likely to get pregnant as adolescents.
6. Children Without Fathers Are More Likely to Be Obese
Children in father-absent homes:
- Eat more than required
- Have a higher risk of becoming obese
- Have a higher risk of suffering all the health risks that come with excess weight.
7. Children With Fathers Get More Roughhousing
Cross-cultural studies have found that the one thing fathers across the world have in common is that they roughhouse with their kids more than moms.
And roughhousing, according to science, makes kids awesome.
8. Children With Fathers Are More Likely to Have a Larger Vocabulary
General belief says that mothers play a prominent role in the education of kids.
But strangely, homes with fathers had kids who:
- Had more grades
- Had better vocab
- Had better life eventually.
9. Children With Fathers Are More Likely to Be Encouraged to Take Healthy Risks
Mothers will ask you to play on the safer side.
And we all know that without risks, we will all end up working in a cubicle.
Fathers will encourage you to take those risks.
He knows better.
10. Children With Fathers Gain Many Additional Benefits to Health and Happiness
Man’s father influenced his life in many ways exclusive to his relationship with his mother."
-Jacked Aecus
Notas pessoais:
Bem sei que isto não é no nosso país, mas muito disto se aplica e se verifica aqui também. E ninguém está aqui a desprezar e/ou a desvalorizar o papel da Mãe - que eu acho crucial na educação dos menores -, pois quer o Pai quer a Mãe complementam-se, mas complementam-se precisamente porque há certas especificidades inerentes à psique do respectivo género.
Quem pode negar a veracidade do ponto nº4, nº5 e especialmente do nº9? Podemos verificar isso claramente aqui em Portugal também - tal como noutros países e Nações.
NACIONAL REVOLUCIONÁRIO: Mensagem+Imagens do dia. (omsilanoican.blogspot.com)
NACIONAL REVOLUCIONÁRIO: Mensagem+Imagens do dia. (omsilanoican.blogspot.com)
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