Like MASTER ALIENS, we too conclude there is not the slightest doubt. After having studied your behaviors, your arguments, and in essence your rational and cognitive capacity, we decree that without a doubt, the Radical Nationalist Ultras are among you humans the most intelligent, the most coherent and the most rational, and as such, they should assume the role of leading all of you humans on the evolution path.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero
Have the Americans noticed that for years, every time Anfifa - controlled and financed by us Jews - and BLM - the same, although lately we are losing control over them - constantly set the USA flag on fire, there was no great drama? But from the moment the Israeli flag began to be set on fire in the streets in the USA, the mainstream media and politicians in general soon became scandalized and the indignation was widespread! The same people who not only did not condemn when domestic terrorists set fire to the USA flag, many even encouraged it, when it comes to the Israeli flag, then the conversation is different. And this happens in the USA...
In conclusion...what does this tell you? Who controls your politicians and mainstream media? The Americans? Or we the Jews?
Stupid americans goyims, you are nothing than our colony.
I have always been against Western colonialism. And even today I make documentaries on my television channels, interviews, debates, etc, with an absolutely demagogic, intellectually dishonest narrative, with History constantly altered and distorted in order to constantly inflame the hatred of minorities against the former colonialists - Portuguese, English , Dutch, French, etc...
But when it comes to Israel's colonialism, I support it 100%!
I have been and will always be in favor of "self-determination of Native peoples". And hence it why I was a fifth column in the West against the Europeans on the African continent issue.
As far as the European continent is concerned, the "self-determination of Native peoples" is simply racism and xenophobia!
One of the most pathetic things that I enjoy seeing the most is watching the American idiots celebrate the 4th of July. They celebrate the independence achieved from the British, while at the same time they are our colony!!! And in terms of harmful measures against them, we have done and continue to do much much much much much much much worse than what the British ever did to them.
You cannot exterminate 6 million Jews in the mentioned time frame, in the mentioned human dose, and on top of that in supposed gas chambers with wooden doors. The so-called "Jewish Holocaust" is a lie, like so many other Jewish lies.
The only "white privilege" that exists is "JEWISH white privilege", since white Jews, being a minority, occupy the majority of political, financial and media positions in Europe and the USA.
Jews preach that in a democracy the State must be legally/constitutionally separated from religion, but they apply Talmudism over European and American goyim citizens in those same occupied states(zog).
We defend all minorities around the world. Except those of European descent who are only 8% of the World's population - which makes them a racial minority compared to other races -, and within those even less the red-haired women and green-eyed men - both the rarest among the European/Aryan race .
We preach that democracies in the West are "states of law" and that everyone must obey the law, and we tax large millions of citizens in the West based on that same constitutional agreement. But we Jews in the West not only do not obey the law, we also commit numerous crimes and neither we go to prison nor we pay monetary compensations to the victims.
People who constantly have double standards are untrustworthy, evil people without any moral integrity whatsoever, who are inadequate to be your colleagues, much less friends and comrades.
We fucked up the quality of life of the Native French - the Gauls - through the multiculturalism we artificially created in France. Now we are also screwing up the lives of tourists who want to visit France with this constant state of fear also through the multiculturalism we artificially created in France
Huge moral, social, biological, cultural, spiritual and financial losses.
“Italy is the first nation to say no to synthetic food, to so-called synthetic meat. It does so with a formal and official act. The resolutions call for a commitment to ban the production, marketing and import of synthetic foods within our territory.
These regulations aim to regulate situations where the environment or public health could be at risk or when there is uncertainty regarding the effects of certain products that are being or will be introduced to the market or consumed.
It is crucial to have measures in place to address these potential risks and ensure the safety of the environment and public health in such cases.” 👌👌👌
Fui apanhado em graves casos de corrupção, espionagem ilegal, e venda de segredos no exercício das minhas funções. Agora estou a defender de forma incansável os Judeus e o Estado de Israel.
Que vocês fazem todos parte da mesma rede criminosa internacional, e da mesma etnia; os Judeus. E este conflito no Médio Oriente está a servir para todos os então cripto-judeus dissimulados começarem a sair todos da toca e se exporem.
O nosso muito obrigado! A nossa base de dados não para de aumentar!
The Radical Nationalist Ultras are not only more intelligent, wiser, more honorable, more rational, more beautiful, but they even do dark humor brilliantly. They have everything a mature woman likes! We want to be led by them.
Enquanto os 3 ramos das Forças Armadas (ainda)Portuguesas não meterem na cabeça duma vez por todas que isto são apenas o intensificar das consequências do 25 de Abril, não vale a pena...
Eles são o problema, e o problema não pode ser a solução, pois problema e solução são uma antítese.
Problema=Políticos da 3ªRepública e seu respectivo regime. Solução=Uma quarta República NS Lusitana de Terceira-Posição(e de preferência uma Teocracia Celto-Lusitana, se não sobre toda a população pelo menos sobre grande parte dela)
Vocês podem dar as voltas que quiserem, mas eu sei que tive, tenho, e continuarei a ter razão, e por isso não sou eu que tenho que mudar. É escusado tentarem me puxar para baixo para o nível do gado hipnotizado pela jewtrix e ainda crente na merdocracia, que eu não vou descer. Ando há anos e anos a tentar-vos puxar para cima ao nível da consciência...e já começa a fartar muito sinceramente...
On some planets and galaxies we control, we have domestic animals more rational than your average Democrat politician. No wonder your societies are in great Chaos!
Martina Navratilova (lesbiana) se posicionó en contra de incluir a trans en el tenis femenino. “El tenis femenino no es para atletas masculinos fallidos”
LOL. E eis que o LGBT começa a implodir por dentro🍿🍷
Giro giro vai ser a extrema-esquerda DEMENTE quando se vir confrontada para muito breve mesmo, entre grandes conflitos entre multiculturalistas Islâmicos e paneleiros do LGBT. Vai ser implosão em grande escala mesmo.
Há 3 ou 4 dias atrás dois paneleiros foram a um evento pró-Palestina em Inglaterra e levaram na tromba de praí 8/9 gajos Islâmicos que disseram e cito: "Não queremos o apoio de pecadores homossexuais"
É como dizia o Variações: "Quando a cabeça não tem juízo, o corpo é que paga...deixa-o pagar, deixa-o pagar..."
Estou para ver qual vai ser o plano "B" do BE e do Livre.🍿🍷
I call on not to accept Palestinian immigrants or refugees, as their ideas represent a threat to the West. That's why we don't support a 2-State solution, which would provide Palestinians with a dignified and decent life, and as such, without the need for them to come en masse to the West.
Fiquei a saber que os liberais de centro e da direitinha, e até mesmo alguns de uma certa esquerda acham os "activistas" climáticos de hoje e cito "uns autênticos atrasados mentais."
Porém, esses mesmos liberais de centro e da direitinha e parte dessa mesma esquerda, também defendem que e cito "nós somos todos iguais."! E todos eles também defendem o sufrágio universal e igualitário onde cada um de nós vale um voto independentemente de...
Acho que não é preciso ser um grande inspector e/ou um grande detective para se perceber que isto da democracia não faz sentido nenhum.
"Estocolmo, 20 out 2023 (Lusa) – O governo sueco anunciou hoje que pretende restringir as condições para concessão de benefícios sociais a migrantes não europeus, a fim de dissuadir as novas chegadas e “integrar melhor” os já presentes."
Primeiro é preciso definir o que eles entendem por "Europeu". Porque dado o relativismo biológico dos dias de hoje, até o António Costa é "Europeu". E portanto, o que significa "Europeu" para esse governo?
Europeu=Ariano da Europa?
Europeu=Quem tiver ascendência Europeia e não importa de que continente?
Europeu=Um judeu que até seja biologicamente Europeu mas sendo judeu é obviamente anti-Europeu devido à natureza da sua etnia, o mesmo é considerado "Europeu"?
Europeu=Qualquer um que tenha passaporte Europeu? Um pouco ao estilo da "mulher transgénero" onde se pode ser mulher e homem ao mesmo tempo, tal como se pode ser não-Europeu e Europeu também simultaneamente e 2+2=3 e/ou 2+2=5.
À excepção da questão da Nato - onde eu defendo que se deve tentar mudar a mesmo por dentro - onde eu discordo da visão deles e uma coisa ou outra, os únicos com potencial e capacidade de salvarem a Suécia são estes:
Tudo o resto são truques de cosmética do zog para entreter os goyim Suecos enquanto estes são genocidiados em grande escala, suas mulheres e filhas violadas em grande escala por não-nativos, e a sua (ainda)Nação caminha para uma muito perigosa e imprevisível guerra civil.
The entire ideology behind the transgender movement is devoid of any logic and rationality, because from the moment a non-woman can be considered a woman, then the word/term "woman" ceases to have any meaning and/or substance, since the word/term "woman" serves to DIFFERENTIATE sex, not EQUALIZE it.
The same applies to the insanity of biological relativism. If a pure Lusitanian for example is Portuguese, and if the non-native António Costa is also considered Portuguese, then the term "Portuguese" ceases to have any meaning and/or substance, since anyone and anything can be "Portuguese" .
This explained in an extremely basic and accessible way for people with weak cognitive abilities:
Imagine picking up an apple, a banana, a pear, an orange, etc... And then saying:"All these fruits are apples". This is obviously an absolute lie! Because if all the DIFFERENT fruits were all apples, then the term "apple" ceases to have any meaning and/or substance, as it ceases to be a term that characterizes a SPECIFIC fruit and serves to DIFFERENTIATE it from all others.
Israeli Shekel falls to lowest level over one decade
The Israeli Shekel has fallen nearly %6 this month and experienced its lowest level in more than a decade on Friday.
Israeli regime is staring down a currency market that’s succumbing to fears over the nation’s intensifying war with Hamas, Palestine and maybe an Islamic coalition of various countries in a standoff with traders that could determine the course of monetary policy this year and beyond, Bloomberg reported cited by the IRNA on Saturday.
With interest rates now at their highest since 2006, the shekel’s trajectory will shape the central bank’s role in an economy shifting to a war footing and in need of stimulus, he added.
The currency is already among the world’s worst performers this month despite a $45 billion package of emergency measures rolled out by policymakers soon after the deadliest attack the country has suffered in decades, he noted.
I am devaluing the worth of shekel in Israel, and devaluing the worth of dollar in the USA by constantly printing money so that the American goyim send us billions of dollars.
I'm a strategist master in geopolitics. And basic economics is anti-Semitism.
To all my coworkers who have at least a medium-high IQ, and a shred of integrity... Will we have to go get Legos and plasticine to explain to you how much of a national suicide it is for us to support the Terrorist State of Israel?
We are for gender equality. And for that same reason we are going to fuck up - even more - the US economy, seriously harming both its male citizens and its female citizens.
Why is it that in European Nations, the alleged "anti-Semitism" is more serious and worrying for democratic politicians than the factual anti-Aryanism?
The entire artificial notion behind "human equality" as a democratic movement is devoid of any logic and rationality, because from the moment humans are all considered the same, the word/term "special" ceases to have any meaning and/or substance, since the word/term "special" serves to DIFFERENTIATE - humans in this case, could be also things - , not EQUALIZE. And if all humans are considered the same, no one can be special.
This explained in an extremely basic and accessible way for people with weak cognitive abilities:
-If humans are all the same, why do we use the term military Special Forces? If we are all the same, no one could be special, right?
-If humans are all the same, why do they have different average IQs?
-If humans are all the same, why do they have different levels of consciousness?
-If humans are all equal, why in the search for a loving companion, a woman doesn't choose just any man? If men are all equal, anyone will do. The same logic applies in reverse: Why doesn't a man choose just any woman as his love partner, since all women are equal?
-If humans are all equal, why do only some have a leader profile?
-If humans are all the same, why is it that some can only say shit, and others can create unique and magnificent poetry?
-If humans are all equal, why are only a minority of them able to inspire others?
-If humans are all equal, why aren't they all great sages? And doesn't common sense and reality itself show us that atrocious ignorance reigns precisely among the majority?
I hope all this is enough for you to understand once and for all why democracy doesn't work, and will never work.
We were advised to bring musical instruments to the battlefield to boost the morale of our soldiers. Does anyone know how to play Beethoven on a cash register(the Jewish piano)?
We call European Radical Nationalists "racists" while we bomb brown women and children for decades across the Middle East, either directly or using our major useful idiots as our proxies, like the american goyims.
All living veterans of the Second World War, especially the Americans, English and French, they just need only to look at the current social, moral, spiritual, biological, economic and financial state of their countries to realize that they fought on the right side in the Second World War and that they did the right decision to be our useful idiots.
My boss pays a lot of taxes on what he pays me. Then I pay a lot of taxes on what I receive. Then with what I have left, I pay huge taxes on what I buy and consume. I bet the Founding Fathers are proud of me.
"My boss pays a lot of taxes on what he pays me. Then I pay a lot of taxes on what I receive. Then with what I have left, I pay huge taxes on what I buy and consume. I bet the Founding Fathers are proud of me."
All this plus the inflation we caused! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
After having contributed to the genocide of the American Aryans through the Kalergi plan USA-version and recently rejoicing the genocide of the Palestinians by the Terrorist State of Israel, Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll found stabbed to death this saturday.
American goyim, just to reminder you that 269,735 illegal immigrants were encountered at the southern border in September — the highest number EVER recorded in a single month.
Apart from the large millions already legalized that we put into the USA. Now come here and help us defend our borders while we open yours for decades.
Jews regarding the issue of Israel, and the so-called "holy land":
"It is important to know who founded the Nation. Who were the first to establish there. Who founded the State. And how many years and centuries they have been there."
Also Jews regarding the founding of the USA:
"I don't give a shit that you were founded by the European diaspora, aka the Aryan race. I don't care the reason and motives that led you to fight for your independence. I don't care about your constitution for nothing And much less do I care about the designs and desires outlined by your Founding Fathers."
Não são aceites comentários que usem a mentira como contra-argumentação. Aceito qualquer debate, desde que se fale verdade. Isto não é um blog democrata, nem nenhuma juventude partidária democrata onde se treina desde cedo o uso da mentira como retórica política para enganar os Portugueses. Aqui reina a verdade, não a mentira.
Like MASTER ALIENS, we too conclude there is not the slightest doubt. After having studied your behaviors, your arguments, and in essence your rational and cognitive capacity, we decree that without a doubt, the Radical Nationalist Ultras are among you humans the most intelligent, the most coherent and the most rational, and as such, they should assume the role of leading all of you humans on the evolution path.
ResponderExcluirI am a CONservative who wants to erase the First Amendment.
ResponderExcluirGet it, goyims?
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”
ResponderExcluir― Marcus Tullius Cicero
ResponderExcluirThe Israeli Embassy in Bahrain was attacked by protesters.
Have the Americans noticed that for years, every time Anfifa - controlled and financed by us Jews - and BLM - the same, although lately we are losing control over them - constantly set the USA flag on fire, there was no great drama? But from the moment the Israeli flag began to be set on fire in the streets in the USA, the mainstream media and politicians in general soon became scandalized and the indignation was widespread!
ResponderExcluirThe same people who not only did not condemn when domestic terrorists set fire to the USA flag, many even encouraged it, when it comes to the Israeli flag, then the conversation is different. And this happens in the USA...
In conclusion...what does this tell you?
Who controls your politicians and mainstream media?
The Americans? Or we the Jews?
Stupid americans goyims, you are nothing than our colony.
I have always been against Western colonialism. And even today I make documentaries on my television channels, interviews, debates, etc, with an absolutely demagogic, intellectually dishonest narrative, with History constantly altered and distorted in order to constantly inflame the hatred of minorities against the former colonialists - Portuguese, English , Dutch, French, etc...
ResponderExcluirBut when it comes to Israel's colonialism, I support it 100%!
I have been and will always be in favor of "self-determination of Native peoples". And hence it why I was a fifth column in the West against the Europeans on the African continent issue.
ResponderExcluirAs far as the European continent is concerned, the "self-determination of Native peoples" is simply racism and xenophobia!
One of the most pathetic things that I enjoy seeing the most is watching the American idiots celebrate the 4th of July.
ResponderExcluirThey celebrate the independence achieved from the British, while at the same time they are our colony!!!
And in terms of harmful measures against them, we have done and continue to do much much much much much much much worse than what the British ever did to them.
Fucking stupid american goyims!
The vast majority of Americans are not Jews.
ResponderExcluirJews does not represent the American people.
“A mistake made twice is a lesson not learnt.”
ResponderExcluir— Anonymous
We are an oppressed MINORITY in the West who occupy the MAJORITY positions in Banks, Media, and Democratic political parties.
ResponderExcluirYou cannot exterminate 6 million Jews in the mentioned time frame, in the mentioned human dose, and on top of that in supposed gas chambers with wooden doors.
ResponderExcluirThe so-called "Jewish Holocaust" is a lie, like so many other Jewish lies.
According to Jewish narrative, the Founding Fathers of USA were "anti-Semitic".
ResponderExcluirThink about that...
It is a lie that we Jews control most of the banks, newspapers and media in the USA and Europe.
ResponderExcluirAsking and investigating who controls most of the banks, newspapers and media in the USA and Europe is "anti-Semitism".
Oops, I buried myself in my narrative!
We are in favor of the emancipation and autonomy of Western women.
ResponderExcluirHence we are constantly burden them with more and more taxes.
If there are no more Jews in Europe.
ResponderExcluirThe problem of "anti-Semitism" against Jews in Europe ceases to exist.
The only "white privilege" that exists is "JEWISH white privilege", since white Jews, being a minority, occupy the majority of political, financial and media positions in Europe and the USA.
ResponderExcluirJews preach that in a democracy the State must be legally/constitutionally separated from religion, but they apply Talmudism over European and American goyim citizens in those same occupied states(zog).
ResponderExcluirWe defend all minorities around the world. Except those of European descent who are only 8% of the World's population - which makes them a racial minority compared to other races -, and within those even less the red-haired women and green-eyed men - both the rarest among the European/Aryan race .
ResponderExcluirWe defend all minorities around the world
ResponderExcluir...except the Palestinians
...we simply genocide those...
We preach that democracies in the West are "states of law" and that everyone must obey the law, and we tax large millions of citizens in the West based on that same constitutional agreement. But we Jews in the West not only do not obey the law, we also commit numerous crimes and neither we go to prison nor we pay monetary compensations to the victims.
ResponderExcluirSend more billions to the Terrorist State of Israel goyim!
Trust the (((plan)))!
Ainda acham que fizemos bem em nos metermos com eles em 2008?
ResponderExcluirNão há coincidências...
ResponderExcluirDemocracy, the failed "god".
“History matters when I say it matters.”
ResponderExcluir-Ben Shapiro
People who constantly have double standards are untrustworthy, evil people without any moral integrity whatsoever, who are inadequate to be your colleagues, much less friends and comrades.
ResponderExcluirWe fucked up the quality of life of the Native French - the Gauls - through the multiculturalism we artificially created in France.
ResponderExcluirNow we are also screwing up the lives of tourists who want to visit France with this constant state of fear also through the multiculturalism we artificially created in France
Huge moral, social, biological, cultural, spiritual and financial losses.
People accuse me of not being serious.
ResponderExcluirThis accusation is a lie!
I'm a serious grifter.
Calling ALL Palestinians "animals", "cockroaches", and that they should ALL be "crushed" and "killed", is love speech.
ResponderExcluirJá chegaram lá? Ou ainda não?
ResponderExcluirAQUI ---»
Since the term "hate speech" is relative, ambiguous, even irrational; I leave some questions unanswered:
ResponderExcluirAre the Talmud's quotes against the goyim "hate speech"? If not, explain why...
What is the criteria? Who defines it?
“Italy is the first nation to say no to synthetic food, to so-called synthetic meat. It does so with a formal and official act. The resolutions call for a commitment to ban the production, marketing and import of synthetic foods within our territory.
ResponderExcluirThese regulations aim to regulate situations where the environment or public health could be at risk or when there is uncertainty regarding the effects of certain products that are being or will be introduced to the market or consumed.
It is crucial to have measures in place to address these potential risks and ensure the safety of the environment and public health in such cases.”
Fui apanhado em graves casos de corrupção, espionagem ilegal, e venda de segredos no exercício das minhas funções.
ResponderExcluirAgora estou a defender de forma incansável os Judeus e o Estado de Israel.
O que é que isso vos diz?
Que vocês fazem todos parte da mesma rede criminosa internacional, e da mesma etnia; os Judeus.
ResponderExcluirE este conflito no Médio Oriente está a servir para todos os então cripto-judeus dissimulados começarem a sair todos da toca e se exporem.
O nosso muito obrigado!
A nossa base de dados não para de aumentar!
After BLM, Greta now also publicly supports Palestine.
ResponderExcluirFuck! We are losing total control even over our minions.
The Radical Nationalist Ultras are not only more intelligent, wiser, more honorable, more rational, more beautiful, but they even do dark humor brilliantly. They have everything a mature woman likes!
ResponderExcluirWe want to be led by them.
ResponderExcluirO rei - neste caso a 3ªRepública - vai nu.
Enquanto os 3 ramos das Forças Armadas (ainda)Portuguesas não meterem na cabeça duma vez por todas que isto são apenas o intensificar das consequências do 25 de Abril, não vale a pena...
Eles são o problema, e o problema não pode ser a solução, pois problema e solução são uma antítese.
Problema=Políticos da 3ªRepública e seu respectivo regime.
Solução=Uma quarta República NS Lusitana de Terceira-Posição(e de preferência uma Teocracia Celto-Lusitana, se não sobre toda a população pelo menos sobre grande parte dela)
Vocês podem dar as voltas que quiserem, mas eu sei que tive, tenho, e continuarei a ter razão, e por isso não sou eu que tenho que mudar.
É escusado tentarem me puxar para baixo para o nível do gado hipnotizado pela jewtrix e ainda crente na merdocracia, que eu não vou descer.
Ando há anos e anos a tentar-vos puxar para cima ao nível da consciência...e já começa a fartar muito sinceramente...
ResponderExcluirWe must fight the surge of Islamophobia in the West by supporting Zionism which is precisely the most islamophobic movement in the world.
ResponderExcluirWait... What?
On some planets and galaxies we control, we have domestic animals more rational than your average Democrat politician.
ResponderExcluirNo wonder your societies are in great Chaos!
Martina Navratilova (lesbiana) se posicionó en contra de incluir a trans en el tenis femenino.
ResponderExcluir“El tenis femenino no es para atletas masculinos fallidos”
LOL. E eis que o LGBT começa a implodir por dentro🍿🍷
Giro giro vai ser a extrema-esquerda DEMENTE quando se vir confrontada para muito breve mesmo, entre grandes conflitos entre multiculturalistas Islâmicos e paneleiros do LGBT. Vai ser implosão em grande escala mesmo.
ResponderExcluirHá 3 ou 4 dias atrás dois paneleiros foram a um evento pró-Palestina em Inglaterra e levaram na tromba de praí 8/9 gajos Islâmicos que disseram e cito: "Não queremos o apoio de pecadores homossexuais"
É como dizia o Variações:
"Quando a cabeça não tem juízo, o corpo é que paga...deixa-o pagar, deixa-o pagar..."
Estou para ver qual vai ser o plano "B" do BE e do Livre.🍿🍷
I call on not to accept Palestinian immigrants or refugees, as their ideas represent a threat to the West.
ResponderExcluirThat's why we don't support a 2-State solution, which would provide Palestinians with a dignified and decent life, and as such, without the need for them to come en masse to the West.
Wait... What?
25 de Abril çempre!
Fiquei a saber que os liberais de centro e da direitinha, e até mesmo alguns de uma certa esquerda acham os "activistas" climáticos de hoje e cito "uns autênticos atrasados mentais."
ResponderExcluirPorém, esses mesmos liberais de centro e da direitinha e parte dessa mesma esquerda, também defendem que e cito "nós somos todos iguais."! E todos eles também defendem o sufrágio universal e igualitário onde cada um de nós vale um voto independentemente de...
Acho que não é preciso ser um grande inspector e/ou um grande detective para se perceber que isto da democracia não faz sentido nenhum.
ResponderExcluirContinue to support the Terrorist State of Israel American Goyim!
Trust the (((plan)))!
Basic economics is "anti-Semitic"!
ResponderExcluir"Estocolmo, 20 out 2023 (Lusa) – O governo sueco anunciou hoje que pretende restringir as condições para concessão de benefícios sociais a migrantes não europeus, a fim de dissuadir as novas chegadas e “integrar melhor” os já presentes."
ResponderExcluirO que achas disto Wolf?
Primeiro é preciso definir o que eles entendem por "Europeu".
ResponderExcluirPorque dado o relativismo biológico dos dias de hoje, até o António Costa é "Europeu". E portanto, o que significa "Europeu" para esse governo?
Europeu=Ariano da Europa?
Europeu=Quem tiver ascendência Europeia e não importa de que continente?
Europeu=Um judeu que até seja biologicamente Europeu mas sendo judeu é obviamente anti-Europeu devido à natureza da sua etnia, o mesmo é considerado "Europeu"?
Europeu=Qualquer um que tenha passaporte Europeu? Um pouco ao estilo da "mulher transgénero" onde se pode ser mulher e homem ao mesmo tempo, tal como se pode ser não-Europeu e Europeu também simultaneamente e 2+2=3 e/ou 2+2=5.
À excepção da questão da Nato - onde eu defendo que se deve tentar mudar a mesmo por dentro - onde eu discordo da visão deles e uma coisa ou outra, os únicos com potencial e capacidade de salvarem a Suécia são estes:
Tudo o resto são truques de cosmética do zog para entreter os goyim Suecos enquanto estes são genocidiados em grande escala, suas mulheres e filhas violadas em grande escala por não-nativos, e a sua (ainda)Nação caminha para uma muito perigosa e imprevisível guerra civil.
BREAKING: Oklahoma has officially banned sex changes for minors.
ResponderExcluirThe entire ideology behind the transgender movement is devoid of any logic and rationality, because from the moment a non-woman can be considered a woman, then the word/term "woman" ceases to have any meaning and/or substance, since the word/term "woman" serves to DIFFERENTIATE sex, not EQUALIZE it.
ResponderExcluirThe same applies to the insanity of biological relativism. If a pure Lusitanian for example is Portuguese, and if the non-native António Costa is also considered Portuguese, then the term "Portuguese" ceases to have any meaning and/or substance, since anyone and anything can be "Portuguese" .
ResponderExcluirThis explained in an extremely basic and accessible way for people with weak cognitive abilities:
ResponderExcluirImagine picking up an apple, a banana, a pear, an orange, etc... And then saying:"All these fruits are apples".
This is obviously an absolute lie! Because if all the DIFFERENT fruits were all apples, then the term "apple" ceases to have any meaning and/or substance, as it ceases to be a term that characterizes a SPECIFIC fruit and serves to DIFFERENTIATE it from all others.
ResponderExcluirIf multiculturalism is our strength...
ResponderExcluirWhy are several European nations raising their terrorist alert levels?
ResponderExcluirIsraeli Shekel falls to lowest level over one decade
ResponderExcluirThe Israeli Shekel has fallen nearly %6 this month and experienced its lowest level in more than a decade on Friday.
Israeli regime is staring down a currency market that’s succumbing to fears over the nation’s intensifying war with Hamas, Palestine and maybe an Islamic coalition of various countries in a standoff with traders that could determine the course of monetary policy this year and beyond, Bloomberg reported cited by the IRNA on Saturday.
With interest rates now at their highest since 2006, the shekel’s trajectory will shape the central bank’s role in an economy shifting to a war footing and in need of stimulus, he added.
The currency is already among the world’s worst performers this month despite a $45 billion package of emergency measures rolled out by policymakers soon after the deadliest attack the country has suffered in decades, he noted.
I am devaluing the worth of shekel in Israel, and devaluing the worth of dollar in the USA by constantly printing money so that the American goyim send us billions of dollars.
ResponderExcluirI'm a strategist master in geopolitics.
And basic economics is anti-Semitism.
ResponderExcluirSupport MIGA!
ResponderExcluirMake Israel Great Again!
Make Inflations Great Again!
To all my coworkers who have at least a medium-high IQ, and a shred of integrity... Will we have to go get Legos and plasticine to explain to you how much of a national suicide it is for us to support the Terrorist State of Israel?
ResponderExcluirWe are for gender equality.
ResponderExcluirAnd for that same reason we are going to fuck up - even more - the US economy, seriously harming both its male citizens and its female citizens.
ResponderExcluirOlhem para o colar do violador.
Sempre os (((mesmos)))...
Why is it that in European Nations, the alleged "anti-Semitism" is more serious and worrying for democratic politicians than the factual anti-Aryanism?
ResponderExcluirNow think...
The entire artificial notion behind "human equality" as a democratic movement is devoid of any logic and rationality, because from the moment humans are all considered the same, the word/term "special" ceases to have any meaning and/or substance, since the word/term "special" serves to DIFFERENTIATE - humans in this case, could be also things - , not EQUALIZE. And if all humans are considered the same, no one can be special.
ResponderExcluirThis explained in an extremely basic and accessible way for people with weak cognitive abilities:
ResponderExcluir-If humans are all the same, why do we use the term military Special Forces? If we are all the same, no one could be special, right?
-If humans are all the same, why do they have different average IQs?
-If humans are all the same, why do they have different levels of consciousness?
-If humans are all equal, why in the search for a loving companion, a woman doesn't choose just any man? If men are all equal, anyone will do. The same logic applies in reverse: Why doesn't a man choose just any woman as his love partner, since all women are equal?
-If humans are all equal, why do only some have a leader profile?
ResponderExcluir-If humans are all the same, why is it that some can only say shit, and others can create unique and magnificent poetry?
-If humans are all equal, why are only a minority of them able to inspire others?
-If humans are all equal, why aren't they all great sages? And doesn't common sense and reality itself show us that atrocious ignorance reigns precisely among the majority?
I hope all this is enough for you to understand once and for all why democracy doesn't work, and will never work.
ResponderExcluirI'm pro-freedom, but also against Palestinians' freedom.
A group of Blacks? It's a gang.
ResponderExcluirA group of Italians? It's a mafia.
A group of Palestinians? It's a terrorist group.
A group of Jews in the banks, media, press and democratic parties? It's just a coincidence...
White supremacists are using dark humor to discredit us in the eyes of the entire world.
ResponderExcluirHow can we be WHITE supremacists if we use DARK humor?
ResponderExcluirAnd a group of Americans, does anyone know what it is?
ResponderExcluirThey are our tax payers/sponsors.
Our big ground operation in GAZA is on hold for a bit because one of our IDF soldiers dropped a coin, and now everyone is looking for it.
ResponderExcluirWe were advised to bring musical instruments to the battlefield to boost the morale of our soldiers. Does anyone know how to play Beethoven on a cash register(the Jewish piano)?
ResponderExcluirWe don't sing or play, but we know how to dance.
ResponderExcluirWe constantly call the goyim "animals" because animals don't fake love, unlike us Jews.
ResponderExcluirWe call European Radical Nationalists "racists" while we bomb brown women and children for decades across the Middle East, either directly or using our major useful idiots as our proxies, like the american goyims.
ResponderExcluirAll living veterans of the Second World War, especially the Americans, English and French, they just need only to look at the current social, moral, spiritual, biological, economic and financial state of their countries to realize that they fought on the right side in the Second World War and that they did the right decision to be our useful idiots.
ResponderExcluirMy boss pays a lot of taxes on what he pays me.
ResponderExcluirThen I pay a lot of taxes on what I receive.
Then with what I have left, I pay huge taxes on what I buy and consume.
I bet the Founding Fathers are proud of me.
"My boss pays a lot of taxes on what he pays me.
ResponderExcluirThen I pay a lot of taxes on what I receive.
Then with what I have left, I pay huge taxes on what I buy and consume.
I bet the Founding Fathers are proud of me."
All this plus the inflation we caused!
Louis Farrakhan files $5B defamation suit against ADL over ‘false’ antisemitism claims
A synagoge was vandalized in Lyon, France.
ResponderExcluirEven in Malaysia Ultras are against the Terrorist State of Israel LOL.
ResponderExcluirSend more billions to the Terrorist State of Israel goyim!
Trust the (((plan)))!
After having contributed to the genocide of the American Aryans through the Kalergi plan USA-version and recently rejoicing the genocide of the Palestinians by the Terrorist State of Israel, Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll found stabbed to death this saturday.
ResponderExcluirThe Jews:"A fucking muslim just stabbed to death one of our own in USA!"
ResponderExcluirAlso Jews in USA: "Diversity is our strength"
The Jews:"A fucking muslim just stabbed to death one of our own in USA!"
ResponderExcluirAlso Jews in USA(and Europe) with their multicultural propaganda:"We are all the same, because we all bleed red."
This is what we should care about and support, not the Jews or Israel.
ResponderExcluirThousands of demonstrators in Tel Aviv are in the streets demanding Netanyahu's resignation.
Those thousands of demonstrators in Tel Aviv are just Nazis anti-Semites just like Islamic ISIS which was created by us.
ResponderExcluirVejam isto com MUITA atenção.
American goyim, just to reminder you that 269,735 illegal immigrants were encountered at the southern border in September — the highest number EVER recorded in a single month.
ResponderExcluirApart from the large millions already legalized that we put into the USA.
Now come here and help us defend our borders while we open yours for decades.
ResponderExcluirWill I need to go get Legos and plasticine?
Jews regarding the issue of Israel, and the so-called "holy land":
ResponderExcluir"It is important to know who founded the Nation.
Who were the first to establish there.
Who founded the State.
And how many years and centuries they have been there."
Also Jews regarding the founding of the USA:
"I don't give a shit that you were founded by the European diaspora, aka the Aryan race.
I don't care the reason and motives that led you to fight for your independence.
I don't care about your constitution for nothing
And much less do I care about the designs and desires outlined by your Founding Fathers."
I am waaaay more important than the Founding Fathers.
ResponderExcluirEveryone pulling their pants down for the Jews and Israel in 3,2,1, NOW!
“No wise man ever thought that a traitor should be trusted.”
ResponderExcluirIsraeli soldier shouts at Netanyahu while he is visiting a military base:
ResponderExcluir“My friends were killed because of you, you sabotaged the state.”