quarta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2023


17 comentários:

  1. Acho que não é preciso ser um grande detective e/ou um grande inspector para se perceber que andamos aqui todos a ser enganados desde 1974.

  2. "We are the people of the light"

    That's why we consciously and deliberately cut off electricity to more than 2 million people...


  3. Underneath the "AHAHAHAHAHAHAH" they are using coded language.
    AH=Adolf Hitler.
    It's the Nazis and Artificial Intelligence who are fucking our plans to enslave the goyims worldwide, thus why they are awakening the masses.

  4. Ben Shapiro, you Jews like to use the "666", right?

    18=Adolf Hitler.
    Have you seen the irony?
    Now do you want a napkin to wipe your tears?

  5. I'm the one who's so fucking ugly, and Islamic women are the ones with their faces covered?
    This is all crazy!

  6. It's time to end injustice and hunger.
    I want to invite all those who are suffering immensely, whether due to the enormous tax burden levied by the States and governments controlled by us - zog -, or due to the high inflation also caused by us.

    Today I pay out of my pocket!
    Waiter, glasses of water, napkins and toothpicks for everyone!

  7. We Jews do not wipe our tears.
    We pour it into a bottle, seal it, and then put it on sale in supermarkets.

  8. Since most of your tears are crocodile tears, I assume the label/brand of these bottles is something like "Crocodile water", correct?

  9. To be or not to be,
    where are my antidepressants, them I can't see,
    that is the question, of a poor teacher of philosophy...

  10. As spectators, we appreciate quality humor.
    And even in that, the Nationalists Radical Ultras are better than you.
    When we arrive - and it's coming soon - to your planet, not only will we hand over power to them, but we will also punish all the sons of bitches who have been oppressing, persecuting, fining, arresting, and illegally surveilling them all these years.

  11. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9T1hkKWcAA8pB-?format=jpg&name=small

  12. https://twitter.com/Demmer_14/status/1717209663265972337

  13. https://twitter.com/OnePaul87/status/1716993308021465341

    And (((who))) are the enemies?

  14. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9Py32QWgAAjCJf?format=jpg&name=small

  15. https://twitter.com/DougAMacgregor/status/1716992747154915599

  16. https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1717278526896746692

  17. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9T6_OHbIAAClc7?format=jpg&name=small


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Aqui reina a verdade, não a mentira.