domingo, 31 de dezembro de 2023

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

You still don't understand in what consists the Jewtrix... Maybe you are awaken to the lies and hypocrisy of the left, but still you don't grasp what fake-opposition is like... At best you are half blue pill with half red pill, just like miscegenation, not pure Red Pill, but a mix... You don't understand for example that Alex Jones is just a different tune of the kike... Accusing the so-called "Elites" of Eugenics, when they are promoting race-mixing, consumption of hard-drugs, transgender agenda, synthetic and subverted food, and so on, which is precisely Dysgenics and not Eugenics... Others speaks only, and only in terms like "the globalists", "the elites", "the New World Order", and so on, but never the WHO... Who are they? They never say "Jew"... Their intention? Offering a false hope and a false exit, wasting your time, diverting your anger, mixing the lie with a little bit of truth, for ultimately continuing to imprison you... Others think they are free just because they live in a liberal-democracy... You go to the supermarket for a few hours, or to the gym, or to the cinema, and their agents enter your house without you knowing, hearing or seeing, placing micro-cameras and micro-wiretapping in your home far beyond those you have on your box and TV... With gps in your mobile phones tracked like a chip, not inside the skin, but inside the pants pocket or wallet (in the case of a woman), they know where you are, and how long distance and time you are from home... Your conversations are all recorded and they cut parts of them, with all vocabulary of yours recorded by them, pasting small parts from different periods, they make sentences with your voice but never spoken by you... Then they show it to your closest friends and/or your girlfriend and/or your wife and/or your ex, trying to make them turn against you, so that they can snitch you with anything that could incriminate you... They get paid agent provocateurs to mess with you in the streets, and as they know that you boiling in little water and are going to attack them, then as the common denominator in the courts is you, you are the one who has a certain type of anti-social behavioral pattern and hence the pretext to increase the penalties against you... You don't understand how big the pill is and how much blue... White and blue, just like the colours of the flag of Israel and the Jew... And these are just the lightest methods... There is no real justice... There is no such thing as "the rule of law"... All these things they do - and a lot more - are illegal, but they can do it because most people of the right are cowards and despite not fighting for defeat they are not fighting for win but for a draw... 
This doesn't just happen in my country, occupied Portugal(zog)... This happens in yours too, you just haven't realized it yet... They call us "Fascists", but we are the true heirs of the Old-School Aryan Anarchists, today National-Socialists for reasons of political maturity, but always valuing real freedom more than any political movement that you can get... Loving relationships of our leaders with women only in clandestine... Only accepting women who are not "just only my turn", but truly and only mine... No fame... No Name... Your delusion and faith in both the democratic left and right is not real world, is just another Jewish game...

We are poets, we are fighters... We are hooligans, we are soldiers... We are students, we are professors...
We are lawyers, we are judges... We are truckers, we are farmers... We are everywhere... Both democratic-left and 
democratic-right don't like us... And we don't care...

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