Trump accuses Biden of rigging the election votes... The West accuses Putin of rigging in Russia the election votes... Putin accuses Biden of rigging the election votes... The West accuses Lukashenko of rigging in Belarus the election votes... Some part of the West - except the hardline marxists - accuses Maduro of rigging in Venezuela the election votes... Bolsonaro accuses Lula of rigging in Brazil the election votes... But when I say for years and years and years that democracy is a scam.... Then "I'm a conspiracy theorist"... Now, do you understand? Massive inflation and shrinkflation, and what is their democratic solution? We need more money out of thin air, so let's print and print and print... Like in a ship pouring large gallons of water inside it with the intention of avoiding it to sink... Liberal and feminist women say "my body, my choice"... But when they constantly vote wrongly, the choice is theirs, but the responsibility is not... And now, afraid of walking in the streets due to mass-multiculturalism - which they voted for -, they are being mugged, beaten, raped and murdered, while yelling and crying for help and/or for a cop... But according to the priests of democracy, we are the ones to blame... But according to the priests of democracy, I'm the one who's insane... Play stupid games, win stupid prizes; and democracy is your game... My wisdom was, is, and always will be more valuable than your fucking democratic fame... You can learn from me, or you can learn the
hard-way... But one way or another, you will learn...
Whether it's night or day...
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